Top 12 Marketing Skills to Become a Pro Marketer in 2024

The state of Marketing is not getting simpler, every year the competition is getting increased and to become a pro marketer you require better marketing skills. As we all know marketing, platforms, technologies and tools are continuously changing. New trends and tools are coming to the market and the audience expects the best from you. Its a quite challenging for marketers out there, to truly excel in this field, marketers must possess a diverse set of skills that go beyond traditional marketing methods. In this blog post, we’ve got you covered with the top marketing skills every marketer needs to possess to become a pro.

Let’s explore them

  • Master in Crafting Marketing Strategy

The primary skill of marketers is to craft a perfect marketing strategy to achieve the goals and objectives of their marketing project. As digital marketers, you should possess exceptional analytical and strategic thinking skills rather than merely focusing on developing tons of content and social media posts. Marketers should think twice, plan and execute the campaign. They should have a deep understanding of their audience’s behaviour, know how to reach them and measure and track the results.

marketing strategy

Remember you can’t add all of your data into a marketing plan template and consider your work done. As a marketer, it’s vital to have an idea about the concepts, speak to your customers, get to know the ultimate goal of their project, create the right marketing mix and implement the right strategies that fit their needs.

Let’s take a real-time example of a Marketing strategy developed and used by GoPro. The well-known camera company crafted a strategy to market its products with UGC (User Generated Content). As a part of their strategy, they developed a video editing software that automatically integrates the brand logo into the video clip and GoPro shares the most captivating user-generated video across the social media channels. This encouraged GoPro users to edit their videos with this new video editing software and generate more UGC content for their brand. They also started announcing the prizes for best videos which led to an increase in customer loyalty.

  • Content Creation and Story Telling

Content creation is a vital skill that every marketer should focus on. It will be hard to survive in this field if you don’t know how to create various content. As marketers you usually engage with diverse people from stakeholders to partners, so you need to be aware of how to write perfect content. A pro marketer possesses strong content creation skills and understands the art of storytelling. Whether it’s blog posts, web copy, press releases, social media updates, or video content, the ability to create compelling, relevant, and shareable content is paramount.

content creation and story telling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing. It goes beyond merely presenting facts; it creates an emotional connection with the audience. A pro marketer knows how to tell a story that resonates with the target audience, making the brand memorable and relatable.

For example, an agency helped KFC in the UK to write an apology copy to its customer regarding the supply issues, the copy turned the negative into a positive and enhanced the brand’s reputation.

  • Marketing Automation

Marketing automation is growing rapidly which can make your marketing strategy more productive and effective. It’s a software which helps marketers to automate repetitive tasks and allows them to focus on the most important task. How marketing automation can help the marketers;

marketing automation 2024

  • Assist marketers in managing customer data
  • Create alerts and prepare reports on the campaign performance
  • Automates social media marketing by facilitating timely posts and answers
  • Personalise your email marketing campaigns; help you to set a user flow to reach your audience and also manage the cart abandonment email.
  • Automate the sales and expedite the lead nurturing and followups

Having hands-on experience in marketing automation software guarantees a higher position in digital marketing and helps you to manage your email campaigns, schedule social media posts and personalize interactions with leads.

  • Social Media and Community Management

Social Media is the most popular platform among businesses to promote their products and services, engage with their audience, respond to their queries etc. Social media has become an inevitable part of our lives and more people use social media for product recommendations. So a marketer must develop his or her social media skills to survive in this competitive industry.

community management updates

Understanding how each platform functions, what strategies to employ, and how to navigate the platform’s algorithm is the first step towards improving your social media skills. As a social media marketer, you also need to be more creative and innovative, know how to write catchy captions and be proficient in content curation. After that, you have to put all your findings on one plate, create an effective social media strategy plan and execute the campaign successfully.

To become a social media expert you need to build your skills around community management. Most of the well-known brands have created communities for their brand on social media platforms. As a pro marketer, you need to learn how to reach the communities, how to communicate with them and build relationships across various social media platforms. 

  • Data Literacy and Data Analytics

Data is everything in marketing.  Proficiency in digital marketing tools, and social media platforms, and the ability to interpret data analytics are essential skills. This includes mastering Google Analytics, understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and staying abreast of the latest trends in digital marketing. 

data literacy

Data analysis assists marketers in measuring their campaign performance and observing the gap that needs improvement. By analyzing the data they can plan, test, execute, and analyze campaigns. Successful marketers leverage data to make informed decisions, identify target audiences, and optimize campaigns. This requires not only the ability to gather data but also the skill to derive actionable insights. A pro marketer can turn raw data into a strategic advantage, allowing for more effective and targeted marketing efforts.

  • AI and Machine Learning Expertise

Artificial Intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept, it’s rapidly growing and becoming an essential skill for marketers to thrive in the industry. Being an AI expert you can analyze huge data sets, personalize your marketing efforts, automate your repetitive tasks and boost the return on investment.


By integrating AI-powered tools like chatbot, predictive analytics, and content generation within your marketing campaigns, marketers can make data-driven decisions, optimize the customer journey and boost the marketing campaign performance. First, you have to understand how this works, and once you understand the flow, you can grow your skills by testing in various platforms to help you streamline your current marketing efforts.

Still, you’re not using AI within your marketing efforts, now is the perfect time to transform your marketing campaign to revolutionise your results.


  • Expertise in Search Engine Optimization

Another important skill you should focus on as a marketer is Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the most popular tactic in Marketing. Search Engines like Google plays a crucial role in getting potential customers to purchase products or services. SEO helps business to improve their organic rankings on the search engine results page. 


search engine optimization 2024

So to master yourself in the SEO landscape you should possess SEO skills. SEO is not just about keyword optimization, it changes with the technology and nowadays it requires a deep understanding of user intent, embracing voice searches and focusing on AI-driven algorithms to ensure that you are visible at the top of the results page. 

As a pro marketer, you should master the following SEO skills

  • In-depth understanding of keyword research
  • Technical skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Onpage and Technical SEO
  • Utilizing AI tools
  • Content design and editing
  • Email Marketing Mastery

Email Marketing is an effective way to reach and engage with the target audience. As a pro marketer, you should understand the nuances of email marketing, from crafting a compelling subject to segmenting email lists for personalized content. They know how to use email automation to nurture leads and build lasting relationships with customers.

email marketing mastery

Email Marketing is not simply sending messages to your customers regarding your products or services, it’s about creating an awesome journey to your audience throughout the sales funnel from awareness to conversion.

So to be a pro at email marketing you are required to learn to be proficient in strategic thinking, email copywriting, developing, sending, building and managing email lists, and designing, measuring and optimizing email campaigns.

  • Graphic Design Experience

A marketer doesn’t have to be an expert in designing visuals and UI/UX. Although as a marketer it will be beneficial to have an understanding of best design practices and how color, typography and layout work.

design experience

Being an expert in design will help you to make smart decisions by providing valuable feedback to the designers and marketing teams. You’ll be a part of the design team, collaborate better and generate better work.

Mastering this skill is vital for Social Media Marketers, Content Creators, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Wizards, and Growth Marketing Gurus.

Think you’ve dodged the bullet? So far we have covered the technical skills and it’s only half the story. To truly thrive in the marketing trenches, you need to sharpen your soft skills as well. 

Let’s delve into the important soft skills required by a marketer.

  • Readiness to explore new things

As we discuss marketing is rapidly evolving. A new day starts with new tools, competitors and upgrades. So you can’t remain the same all the time. The strategy that worked and delivers results six months ago won’t work now. If you want to be in the race you should be able to embrace the changes and innovate new things.

_explore new things

A good instance is TikTok, still most marketers argue that TikTok is for teenagers and it’s not for my kind of target audience. However, TikTok has overtaken Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, with US users spending more time on the app than any other. 

According to a research study, 21.7% of TikTok users are between the age of 30 and 20.3% are in their 40s. Marketers who have the guts to step into this brand-new space are seeing amazing engagement and reach on the platform. So it’s a real-time example of embracing innovation, and creativity within your marketing efforts.

  • Communication and Collaboration Skills

Marketing is not a one-man show; it requires effective communication and collaboration across teams. A marketer needs to convey ideas very clearly and persuasively to the audience in any kind of form it can be either written or verbal. Communication is an inevitable part of a marketing professional’s career since as a marketer you have to deliver compelling presentations, pitch ideas to stakeholders, report to your internal team or give a speech at a conference.

Strong communication skills also extend to engaging with the audience. Responding to customer inquiries, addressing concerns, and fostering a positive brand image through communication are vital components of a pro marketer’s skill set.

  • Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving

Marketing not only requires creativity it also involves analytical thinking and problem solving. A skilled marketer can analyze the raw data, analyze the trends and optimize the marketing strategies through critical thinking.

analytical thinking 2023

Marketers need to be risk-takers, they should be able to approach problems and challenges systematically by implementing innovative solutions to reach the goals and objectives. Analytical skill is crucial for marketers when the campaign doesn’t perform as expected. Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, a marketer sees them as opportunities to learn and refine their approach, ensuring continuous improvement.

Take your Marketing Skills to the next level in 2024

Becoming a pro marketer in 2024 requires a combination of technical skills, soft skills, cutting-edge knowledge, and a passion for continuous learning. By dedicating yourself to developing the right skill set and adapting to the evolving landscape, you can position yourself for success and thrive in this dynamic and ever-changing field. Remember, the journey to becoming a pro marketer is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay focused, motivated, and constantly seek opportunities.

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Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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A Comprehensive Guide on How Agile Marketing Works for Modern Marketers

Over the past years, businesses and industries have constantly shifted, demanding marketers adapt and respond with agility. The advantages of implementing Agile Methodology within the organization have gone beyond the software development to the marketing and sales department. Traditional marketing approaches are often rigid and slow to adapt to changes, hindering a brand’s ability to respond quickly to market shifts. The marketing approach that worked well last year might not work this year. So businesses must adopt modern marketing technologies to stay ahead of the game. This is where Agile Marketing comes into play. 

Born from the principles of Agile software development, Agile Marketing is a dynamic, customer-centric approach that empowers marketing teams to respond swiftly and effectively to the unpredictable nature of the modern business environment.  In this blog post, we have got you covered on What’s Agile Marketing, its core values and why marketers should care about it.

⚡ What is Agile Marketing?

Agile Marketing is an iterative marketing approach that emphasizes continuous adaptation, collaboration, speed,  flexibility and data-driven decision-making.  It breaks away from the traditional linear marketing processes and embraces an iterative and incremental approach that allows marketers to respond quickly to market shi.s and customer feedback.

agile marketing

Agile Marketing methodology that draws inspiration from some guiding values and principles of Agile Software development methodologies. However marketing differs from software development, agile experts like Stacey Ackerman, MarTech contributor and agile coach created an Agile Marketing Framework called “Agile Marketing Navigator” which is specifically designed for marketing teams.


⚡ Core Values of Agile Marketing

At its core, it is guided by the Agile Marketing Manifesto which outlines the core values and principles of Agile marketing. Here are the core values that manifest in this methodology;

agile marketing

  • Focusing on customer value and business outcome over activity and outputs 

Agile Marketing methodology focuses on prioritizing customer and business needs, delivering customer value through our target and relevant marketing programs. It’s all about the right things vs more things.  It involves the input and collaboration of all team members who have agreed to work on the desired outcome. Customer Satisfaction is the utmost priority. As embracing this methodology within your team you should focus intensely on determining what will offer the highest value to your customers and how it impacts the downstream of the business.

  • Delivering Value Early and often rather than waiting for Perfection 

Aile marketing always focuses on delivering value early and often rather than waiting for perfectionism like traditional approaches. It emphasizes efficiency and feasibility, focusing on what can be implemented immediately, what existing resources can be repurposed, and whether a simple approach is sufficient to launch a campaign swiftly. The goal is to capitalize on emerging opportunities and refine strategies as we progress.

  • Learning through Data and Experiments

Agile is a data-driven approach, it values data and experiments over opinions and outdated conventions. When we start experimenting, we learn and collect data. These data and learned results help to make effective marketing decisions.

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration

Agile Marketing relies on collaborative cross-functional teams to focus on the customer needs. By involving customers throughout the marketing process, teams can better understand their needs, preferences, and pain points, leading to more customer-centric campaigns. It eliminates silos and hierarchies through a collaborative cross-functional team, where the team lead maintains a proper workflow and delivers better results.

  • Responding to Change

It is an iterative approach that values the ability to adapt to change over sticking to a predefined plan. This flexibility enables marketers to pivot quickly in response to market shifts or emerging trends.

⚡ Why Marketers should embrace Agile Marketing?

Agile Marketing is not just a passing trend; it’s a transformative approach that addresses the challenges of the modern marketing landscape. It aims at quality over quantity, and it is results-driven which helps marketers measure success in early intervals and take quick actions if anything goes wrong.

agile marketing benefits

By adhering to Agile methodologies, marketers are able to learn and experiment with new things while the campaign is moving forward. Through regular retrospectives, teams reflect on their performance, learn from both successes and failures and adjust their strategies accordingly, which helps them to make effective decisions. Moreover, it removes hierarchies and focuses on cross-functional teams; marketers can collaborate with multiple teams and departments where each individual will take responsibility beyond their job role to deliver the best result.

As marketers customers are the heart of the business, Agile Marketing methodology places the customer at the center of decision-making. Regular feedback loops with customers ensure that marketing strategies align with customer needs and preferences, resulting in more effective and resonant campaigns. Overall embracing Agile allows marketers to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

⚡ How does Agile Marketing Work? – Introduction to Agile Framework

Although the scrum framework is the most preferred agile framework for software developers, according to the State of Agile marketing report, the majority of Agile marketers do not rigidly adhere to a particular framework in their Agile application. Instead, they opt for a hybrid approach, blending practices from Kanban, scrum, and lean to address their specific process challenges.

agile framework


Let’s dive into each type to explore how it works.

  • Scrum

Scrum is the widely adopted Agile framework but it is not exclusive for software development. Scrum is a framework that divides work into fixed-length iterations called sprints, usually lasting two to four weeks. It consists of two main components called ceremonies (events) and roles.

Scrum’s ceremonies consist of four meetings that aim to create effective communication within the Agile marketing team;

  • Sprint Planning Meeting – It’s a sprint kick-off meeting. The team discussed the market backlog items that should be addressed in the next sprint.
  • Daily Scrum or Daily Standup – It’s a daily meeting arranged to discuss the progress of the campaign and to identify the obstacles.
  • Sprint Review Meeting – The main focus of the meeting is to evaluate the progress done during the sprint and determine whether the marketing backlog needs to be adjusted.
  • Sprint Retrospective Meeting – It is a planned review meeting that takes place regularly, usually every two weeks. During this meeting team gathers to discuss what went well and where things could have been done better.

In the implementation of Scrum, two pivotal roles come into play; the Scrum Master and the Marketing Owner. They are responsible for overseeing the process and managing the backlog, respectively.


  • Kanban

Kanban is another Agile framework that focuses on visualizing workflow and optimizing the efficiency of a team’s delivery. Unlike Scrum, Kanban doesn’t have fixed-length iterations. Instead, it allows for a continuous flow of work. Work items move through different stages on a Kanban board, providing a visual representation of the work in progress. Kanban allows marketing teams to visualize all the phases of the marketing process and every individual responsibility that passes those stages. This visualization helps marketers manage, track and monitor their marketing campaigns and identify if there are any loopholes within the team. 

Core Practices Involved in Kanban;

  • Workflow Visualization
  • WIP (Work in progress) Limits
  • Manage flow
  • Make process policies explicit
  • Implement feedback loops
  • Continuous improvement


  • Scrumban

Scrumban was developed to fill the gaps between Scrum and Kanban methodologies. It is a hybrid approach that combines elements of both Scrum and Kanban. It’s a way to leverage the structure of Scrum with the flexibility of Kanban. It is best suited for teams with some prior agile experience. 

Scrum focuses on meetings and roles but fails to give guidance to the team on how to complete the work they agreed on each sprint. Meantime Kanban focuses on the completion of individual tasks. It assumes that a project management framework is in place on a team and only enhances the existing system not giving priority to create a new one. So this is where Scrumban comes to play a crucial role to fill the gap.

Scrumban is the combination of structural elements of Scrum (the ceremonies of Sprint Planning, Stand Ups, Retrospectives and the pull-based approach of Kanban. Due to the hybrid nature of the technique, every team uses scrumban in a somewhat different way.


⚡ Benefits of Agile Marketing

The adoption of Agile Marketing brings forth a myriad of benefits that contribute to the overall success of marketing teams and the organization as a whole:

agile framework update

✅ Improved Adaptability and Flexibility

Agile Marketing allows teams to respond quickly to changes in the market, customer feedback and internal priorities ensuring that marketing strategies remain relevant and effective. It embraces change and encourages teams to adapt their strategies and tactics based on feedback and results. As a result, it increases the productivity and efficiency within the team.


✅ Quality Results

The iterative nature of Agile Marketing allows for continuous monitoring of campaign performance. Teams can adjust strategies based on real-time data, leading to better-informed decisions and improved return on investment (ROI).


✅ Effective Collaboration and Communication

Agile Marketing promotes cross-functional collaboration by bringing together individuals from different departments or disciplines. Regular meetings, such as stand-ups and retrospectives, foster open communication and help teams stay aligned with overall goals.


✅ Faster Time-to-Market

Agile marketing is iterative in nature, focused on delivering smaller, incremental improvements, It enables quick delivery of marketing campaigns and initiatives. This is particularly beneficial in industries where speed and responsiveness are critical.


✅ Improved Transparency

Marketers always prefer enhanced visibility, Agile Marketing promotes transparency across the teams in terms of task management, campaign progress and decision-making. This can be done through Kanban Boards, daily stand-up meetings and burndown charts.  It helps in identifying bottlenecks, tracking progress, and making informed decisions.


⚡ Effective tips to implement Agile Marketing within your organization

Agile Marketing is more popular among large enterprises, but it fits all kinds of businesses of any size. Implementing Agile Marketing within an organization requires a thoughtful approach and a commitment to cultural and process changes. Here are some effective tips to help you successfully implement Agile Marketing.


📌 Identify Your Goals

First and foremost identify the need of Agile Marketing within your organization. Ensure that everyone understands the overall vision and how their individual contributions align with the broader organizational objectives. Analyze your current strengths, and weaknesses of your marketing and see the possibilities of how Agile Marketing can fill those gaps for optimum results.


📌 Build a culture of collaboration

Foster a collaborative environment where cross-functional teams can work together seamlessly. Break down silos between marketing, sales, product development, and other relevant departments to encourage open communication and shared goals.


📌 Prepare Your Team

Make Sure that your teams understand the core principles and practices of Agile Marketing. In order to educate provide training sessions, workshops, and resources to familiarize them with Agile concepts, tools, and methodologies.


📌 Initiate small and scale Gradually

Start with a trial or pilot project with your Agile team to test how Agile methodologies work within your organization. Use the insights gained from the pilot run to refine processes and address challenges before scaling Agile practices across the entire marketing organization.


📌 Choose an Agile Framework

Select an Agile framework such as Scrum, Kanban and scrumban that aligns with your organization’s needs. Tailor the chosen framework to fit the specific requirements of your marketing teams. Once chosen you will be able to identify whether you need daily standups, coordination among the teams and the status of all the campaigns in a single tap.

📌 Embrace Growth mindset

Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Encourage team members to experiment, learn from failures, and continuously adapt their approaches based on feedback and data.


ðŸ”Ĩ Wrapping Up – Get Started with Agile Marketing

Agile Marketing is not just a strategy; it’s the future of marketing excellence. As the business landscape continuously evolves, Agile Marketing emerges as a beacon of innovation, providing a clear path for those who aspire to stay ahead of the curve and consistently deliver meaningful results. By embracing the Agile mindset, fostering collaboration, and staying attuned to customer needs, your team can navigate the dynamic landscape with confidence and deliver campaigns that resonate in today’s fast-paced world. 

As you start your Agile Marketing Journey, remember that it’s not about having all the answers from the start but about being open to continuous learning and improvement. Each sprint, each iteration, brings valuable insights that fuel the next phase of innovation. So, gear up, rally your team, and step onto the path of Agile Marketing success—it’s time to make your mark!



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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Step into the Future | 7 Most Demanding Marketing Automation Trends in 2024

Marketing Technology is rapidly growing in the digital landscape with lots of opportunities and challenges. Marketing Automation is a very popular type of Marketing Technology in recent years. According to the research study, it is expected to grow over USD 9.5 billion by 2027. It is like having a personal secretary who can automate all your tasks. Does this sound interesting? Yes, it’s a software platform that assists marketers in automating their marketing and sales efforts to boost lead generation, sales conversion and return on investment. 

Most marketers out there have adopted Marketing automation tools and it’s an asset to the organisation. However, the way you utilize these tools changes over time. Every Fresh year starts with new trends and technologies, as businesses you should be aware of those latest trends to be ahead of the game. So in this blog post, we have covered you with the hottest top 10 marketing automation trends in 2024.

  • User Quality Data

One of the biggest automation trends in 2024 is the quality of user data, which impacts the way you make decisions. What’s user quality data? It’s raw data which gives you a deep understanding of users’ behaviour, preferences and characteristics.

user quality data

User-quality data can help marketers to boost their campaign performance and enhance the overall productivity of the business. As marketers, you should pay attention to the quality of data. There are tools which can satisfy your data analysis needs such as Google Analytics, Optimizely etc.

📌 Why adopting user-quality data is imperative for your Marketing Strategy?

  • ✅ Hyper-Personalization – User quality data helps to create highly personalized marketing campaigns which focus on tailoring customised messages and offers to particular customer segments.
  • ✅ Targeted Marketing – Targeted marketing allows you to pinpoint the most relevant audience to reach with your advertising efforts. This enables you to send promotions and messaging to certain segments of your consumer base. 
  • ✅ Performance Optimization – User quality data provides you with high-level insights which help you to identify the current trends and areas to improve and optimize your marketing strategies accordingly.

⚡ Domination of Omni Channel Marketing

Another emerging trend is omnichannel marketing, which enables you to deliver a seamless customer experience to your target audience. More people are online so businesses are no longer sticking to traditional marketing. Marketers can reach their customers easily through various platforms since customers are now available on many devices, websites, apps etc.

marketing automation channels

Customers can engage with your brand through a variety of channels, including social media, web pages, ads, messaging apps and more.  Marketing automation software helps marketers to manage various customer channels without losing them. According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers use more than one marketing platform and 81% more than three.

However, businesses have opportunities to reach their audience via various touchpoints, it also poses a challenge where consumers expect a consistent experience across all the platforms they use to interact with your business. Omnichannel marketing enables you to provide a consistent user experience across several marketing platforms, regardless of the number of channels your target audience chooses to interact with your business..

You can integrate the Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) to keep an eye on your lead generation and to automate customer engagement. Leveraging these tools within your marketing efforts helps you to run effective marketing campaigns.

⚡ Focusing on Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Targeting a broader audience is not going to work in future, this is where Account-based Marketing (ABM) plays a crucial role. Many firms had to switch from customer growth plans to customer retention strategies in 2020 when COVID-19 struck in order to keep their revenue streams intact.


ABM involves targeting high-value accounts with personalized campaigns and aligning marketing and sales efforts to engage key decision-makers within those accounts. Marketing automation facilitates the scalability of ABM by automating the process of identifying target accounts, personalizing content, and nurturing relationships at scale. By focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of leads, ABM powered by automation ensures a more strategic and effective approach to driving sales in B2B environments.

⚡ The Rise of Generative AI

The emergence of generative AI has revolutionized the way AI and machine learning are effortlessly integrated into our daily operations, bringing in next-generation models like ChatGPT, a text-first intelligent chatbot, and image-based tools like Dall-E- and Mid Journey. 

generative ai trends

Predictive segmentation is going to be very popular in the coming year. Big brands like Netflix and Starbucks are already accelerating the workflow powered by recommendation engines that utilize Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to deliver personalized customer experiences

Generative AI automation tools like ChatGpt can assist you in generating email templates, crafting blog posts and more. Meantime AI image generator tools like Mid Journey can help you to create customized images for your marketing campaigns.   

Generative AI streamline your marketing efforts and allow marketers to focus on strategy and analysis. But remember don’t rely too much on AI, they cannot take the place of humans.

⚡ Mobile First Marketing – Reaching Customers Where They Are 

As mobile usage continues to rise, marketers need to adapt their strategies to cater to the mobile audience effectively. Compared to people who receive your marketing content through computers, there will be differences in the style, presentation, and messaging that target the mobile audience.

mobile first marketing 2024

Marketers are expected to use tools like push notifications, in-app ads, SMS and digital wallets within their mobile marketing strategies to increase their mobile presence starting in 2023 and beyond. 

Considering the huge rise in mobile usage, businesses will be rushing to gather and examine data on their mobile users and their interactions with them. In the future, transactional and behavioural data will play a vital role in understanding user preferences and behaviour patterns to create personalized campaigns.  By optimizing your marketing efforts for mobile, you not only enhance user experience but also tap into a vast and growing market, ultimately driving sales.

⚡ Chatbots and Conversational Marketing – Redefining Customer Interactions

In the early days, chatbots have generated a terrible rep but now they are making waves with the advancement in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Chatbots become the most powerful automation tool that plays a vital role in enhancing customer service and engagement.

_conversational marketing

According to the statement by Forbes, conversational marketing is the most prominent marketing in the future where it focuses on taking care of customer needs. With chatbots, you can deliver 24/7 customer support by offering personalized customer interaction, answering their inquiries, providing product recommendations, and guiding users through the sales funnel.

In 2024 Chatbots will save you quality time by incorporating chatbots into your marketing automation strategy, you not only enhance customer experience but also capture leads more effectively, ultimately boosting your sales.

⚡ Focus on Marketing Funnel Automation

A lead may enter a marketing funnel for a reason. Marketers require an effective approach that can assist them in learning more about a lead and guiding them through the many stages of the funnel till they become actual clients. This is where Marketing Funnel automation comes in. With the help of these automation tools businesses can deliver optimized content to their leads at every stage of the funnel.  

marketing funnel automation

Marketers do not need to spend more time on creating content manually and sending it to each client, they can configure the triggers and rules on automation software to perform automatically throughout the lead nurturing process across the sales funnel.

⚡ Wrap Up 

As we are approaching 2024, businesses need to embrace Marketing Automation within their marketing strategies to grow their ROI. It simplifies your repetitive tasks and workflow and helps you to save time and effort. Being abreast with the latest automation trends will help businesses build enduring customer relationships and drive sustainable growth.

Marketing automation continues to evolve, offering innovative ways for businesses to enhance their sales strategies. The future is not just about automation but about creating meaningful and resonant experiences that drive lasting connections and, ultimately, business success.

So, are you ready to elevate your marketing game and supercharge your sales? Take the first step towards success by integrating these cutting-edge trends into your arsenal.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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Unveiling 6 Emerging MarTech Trends to Propel Your Business into 2024

The Marketing landscape is continuously evolving with the emergence of new technologies and transformations, shifting consumer behaviour and presenting marketers with both challenges and benefits. As we are saying bye to 2023 and stepping into 2024, several exciting trends are poised to reshape how businesses connect with their audiences. So as marketers, you should keep an eye on the MarTech trends that shape the industry to stay ahead of the game.

martech trends

In 2024 by embracing AI-powered personalization, exploring immersive technologies, and leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can unlock unprecedented opportunities to connect with their customers to achieve sustainable growth in the industry. Can’t wait to see what future Marketing technology (MarTech) awaits for you. No worries in this blog post we will explore what is Martech, its importance, MarTech trends and tools that shape the market.

What is Marketing Technology (MarTech)?

Marketing Technology is also referred to as “MarTech, where a wide range of software and tools help marketers achieve their marketing goals and objectives. It enables marketers to automate the most time-consuming tasks through the software and tools and free up their time to focus more on high-priority activities. 

MarTech allows marketers to plan, execute, and measure campaigns and activities. The primary goal of martech is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing efforts, allowing businesses to better understand their audiences, optimize campaigns, and ultimately achieve their marketing objectives.

Why Marketing Technology is Important to Your Business?

MarTech plays a crucial role in the current business landscape, allowing marketers to manage their marketing campaigns more efficiently and effectively. Here are some highlights of why MarTech matters for your organization.

marketing technology

  • Improved Customer Insights

MarTech helps businesses with advanced data and insights about their customers. Marketing Technology tools like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, and analytical and social media platforms help businesses to collect and analyze customer data to gain an understanding of customer behaviour, preferences and needs which helps them to create a personalized marketing campaign.

  • Competitive Advantage

Businesses that are ready to embrace the technology within their marketing efforts often gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Staying updated with MarTech trends like artificial intelligence, machine learning, chatbots, or data analytics allows businesses to innovate, adapt to changing consumer behaviours, and remain ahead of competitors in the dynamic digital landscape.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making

Marketing Technology allows marketers to make data-driven decisions by analyzing the high-level data related to customer behaviour, campaign performance, and market trends. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions, optimizing strategies, and maximizing return on investment (ROI).

  • Personalized and Targeted Marketing Campaigns

MarTech enables to craft and deliver personalized targeted marketing campaigns to a specific audience segment. It allows marketers to tailor their messages and campaigns to to specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. It also facilitates personalization by understanding customer behaviour, and preferences which helps them to enhance their customer experience, increasing engagement and building strong customer loyalty.

  • Omnichannel Marketing

Martech tools open the door for cohesive and consistent customer experience through multiple channels and devices from websites, mobile apps, social media, email, and offline channels. This integration ensures that customer enjoys a great experience regardless of the channel they engage with. It will also help to boost the brand recognition and customer satisfaction.

Top Six Martech Trends to watch in 2024 and beyond

Here we have broken down the six major MarTech trends that gonna transform the marketing campaigns in 2024;


  • Greater Investment in Analytics

Don’t deny integrating an easy-to-use analytics solution within your MarTech stack. These tools will help marketers to gain deep insights into your marketing campaigns from analyzing customer behaviours, and conversion rates to making informed decisions. 

Indeed researchers predicted a 61 percent increase in marketing analytics over the next three years. It’s quite a huge amount, as a marketer don’t miss to invest in these analytical tools to transform your perspective on your business.

What are the benefits of these Marketing Analytics tools?

  • Enable real-time reports on the marketing campaign performance across all the channels.
  • Data-driven decision-making through actionable insights that pave the way for improving lead generation.
  • Deep understanding of customer preferences and behaviours 
  • Using predictive analytics to be more proactive


  • Integrating Artificial intelligence and Machine learning within Marketing Automation

The major MarTech trend for 2024 is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning where AI is growing and playing a crucial role in every aspect of a business. It automates the core marketing activities from lead generation, behavioural analysis, and personalization to customer relationship management (CRM). Machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), large language models (LLM), and deep learning are revolutionizing the way businesses gain insights about their customers and process these insights to make strategic decisions.

Let’s examine how the Large Language model dominates the MarTech industry. LLM transforms the way businesses communicate with their data. The large Language model allows interactions in plain English, regardless of traditional analysis methods which require a quite knowledge of SQL and other database languages. So through these marketers can analyze complex data sets and can get valuable real time insights.

As per the research study, 91% of businesses already adopted Artificial Intelligence into their Marketing efforts. Still, if you didn’t embrace AI within your marketing efforts now it’s time to integrate it within your efforts. 

  • Growth of Hyper-Personalization

In 2024. Hyper-Personalization will become an inevitable part of your marketing campaign to deliver excellent customer service. Hyper Personalization goes a step beyond traditional personalization where customers are segmented based on broader categories such as demographics, address, and name. So What’s hyper-personalization? it’s a strategy that delivers individual content to customers by understanding every individual’s preferences, behaviours and needs. It can be done through real-time data and advanced data analytics. Hyper-Personalization treats its customers as an individual rather than a mass crowd.


For example, instead of sending emails to all subscribers in the Morning, hyper-personalization tailors the emails and sends them at optimal time for each subscriber based on their past behaviour or else you can personalize your website’s home page with the products or content most liked by your customers based on the past behaviour them

Expanding Avenues for Personalization,

  • Custom video messages
  • Personalized Emails
  • Product recommendations
  • Social Media

Since personalisation is vital for businesses, marketers who don’t focus on tools to assist them in personalization will be kicked out of the market. Based on the survey it is clear that 99 per cent of marketers focus on personalization to build strong customer relationships and 44 per cent of customers wish to switch brands which tailors their marketing efforts to their customers.

If you are not utilizing the tools and technologies to understand your customers, it’s clear that you’re losing opportunities to reach more customers and develop better customer relationships.


  • Get Ready for the Third-Party Cookieless Future

If you’re a marketer who heavily relies on cookies for collecting and tracking your consumer data, personalizing experiences and measuring campaign performance, remember that you can no longer rely on these cookies since the marketing world is about a cookieless future. In 2020, Google announced that they gonna fade out the third-party cookies within the next two years. 

third party cookieless

This move focuses a shift on Privacy-centric marketing, where marketers should find new ways to gain an understanding of their consumer behaviour. If you are still relying on third-party cookies then it is time to look for a revised strategy that includes data collection, audience targeting, and measurement methods.

Here are some strategies you can focus on;

  • First-Party Data – First-Party data mean collecting information directly from your customers through touchpoints like website, social media platforms, customer relationship management system and other owned channels. Moreover, first-party data is more authentic and high quality since it’s collected directly from your customers.


  • Contextual Targeting – Contextual targeting is the technique of placing ads in suitable contexts, expected to return back. For instance, placing an ad for sportswear on a blog for fitness. Although it not be personalized as behavioural targeting but still its effective.


  • Cookieless Marketing Attribution – Cookieless attribution relies on non-personal data, privacy-focused tools like Google’s Privacy Sandbox and verified first-party data like email addresses to measure the effectiveness of the campaign performance. While maintaining user privacy, still this method provides valuable insights to marketers.

So to cope with future trends marketers should adopt the new trend in personalization to understand and reach their target audience.

  • Voice Search Optimization

Voice search has emerged as a popular MarTech trend with the rise of Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. For marketers optimizing for voice search is not a choice it’s a necessity. Voice searchers are more conversational and longer than the typical text-based searches. A research study says that there are over 1 billion monthly voice searchers and more than 50 per cent of adults use the voice searches

voice search optimization

As a part of this shift, it directly impacts SEO strategies. Your keywords strategy should focus on longtail keywords rather than short, fragmented keywords. Voice searches frequently use questions starting with who, what, where, when, why, and how. So don’t forget to integrate these keywords within your SEO Strategy. Furthermore, your business should be optimised for Local SEO because a lot of voice searches are localized (“near me”) searches. So you have to make sure that you have a Google My Business listing with proper authentication details from the business’s name, address to phone number.

What are the things you should focus on in your new SEO strategy for Voice Search?

  • Focusing on Long Tail keywords
  • Targeting Natural Language Phrases
  • Include questionnaire keywords like who, what, where, when, why, and how
  • Optimize for Local SEO


  • Embracing Metaverse Marketing – Augmented and Virtual Reality

Metaverse marketing is another significant trend that shapes the Martech industry. Metaverse allows brands to create virtual showrooms where consumers can try their clothes or test drive while in their homes. They also can host a virtual concert or sports event with a celebrity hologram. Metaverse enables marketers to create interactive ads where customers can engage with them rather than simply observing. This trend opens a path for personalization and better user experience.

A real-world example, of Metaverse marketing is the partnership between the well-known luxury brand Gucci and the virtual world of Roblox. Gucci set up a virtual online store where customers can try out digital products and purchase virtual Gucci items for their avatars. This innovative partnership demonstrates how businesses are adopting the Metaverse and creating a huge impact on their audience.

As marketers, it’s vital to embrace Metaverse Marketing with a deep understanding of its potential opportunities and challenges like privacy concerns, and technical complexities to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Wrap-Up – Future of Martech

Marketing technology is continuously evolving with more potential opportunities to reach more audiences and connect with them to drive success. To help your business embrace MarTech trends,  ensure to invest in software tools that help you to achieve your marketing objectives and are worth the investment.

Whether you’re an experienced marketer or business owner looking to build an online presence for your business try these trends within your marketing efforts to help you drive more success. By embracing these trends and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of innovation, driving success in the ever-evolving world of marketing technology.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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Next Gen Ecommerce Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2024

The world of e-commerce is continuously changing with new technological advancements and market dynamics, where the future of online retail is poised to take on exciting new forms. In this digital landscape, consumers can shop anywhere at any time. Today, not Genz or millennials prefer to shop online, everyone does. In this competitive landscape consumer behaviours and patterns continuously evolve to change, So in order to compete with the top brands, it’s essential to outshine your competitors. As we approach 2024, it’s crucial for business owners and entrepreneurs to know about the e-commerce trends. In this blog post let’s explore the top transformative e-commerce trends that promise to shape the e-commerce landscape in 2024.

📌Top Ecommerce Trends to Watch Out in 2024


✅Voice Commerce: Optimizing for Voice-Enabled Online Shopping

In recent years voice searches have become more popular with the rise in digital voice assistants. Voice-activated devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly popular. According to Narvar, 51% of online shoppers use voice search to research products, while 36% use shopping ads to add their products to relevant shopping lists.  E-commerce businesses are integrating voice commerce into their platforms, allowing customers to place orders and get product information using voice commands.

voice commerce

Businesses should focus on optimizing their product pages for voice search. Pro tips to optimize voice search,

  • Focus on natural language patterns and conversational queries
  • Integrate Long tail keywords for voice search queries
  • Implement schema markup
  • Optimize for Local SEO

Embrace voice commerce within your e-commerce marketing strategy to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

✅Mobile Commerce: Dominating the online sales with Mobile Shopping

Mobile shopping has been on the rise for years, but in 2024, it will become even more crucial. Customers always prefer to purchase anywhere at any time. It’s important for business owners to optimize their websites for mobile devices to provide an excellent customer experience. Because delivering a great mobile shopping experience helps customers to purchase the products in just one tap. 

mobile commerce

Make your website mobile-friendly by streamlining the checkout process, reducing the page loading speed and optimizing your content fit for smaller screens. Investing in Mobile commerce will be a solid long-term return to the businesses.

✅Augmented Reality: Embrace AR to visualize purchases

One of the biggest challenges for online customers is that they can only try out the product after they make a purchase. Mostly consumer behavior depicts that a consumer gets satisfied when he/she can touch, feel and try before making a purchase. But it’s not possible in eCommerce nevertheless, Augmented Reality is revolutionizing the way consumers shop online. Augmented Reality allows shoppers to get an immersive shopping experience by trying the products before purchasing as if they were in a  brick-and-mortar store.

augmented reality

AR is more popular in the fashion, beauty and home decor industries. With Augmented Reality, shoppers can virtually try on clothing, visualize how furniture would look in their homes, or even see how makeup products will appear on their skin. For example, Shopify AR allows customers to get an immersive shopping experience, they show their products in a virtual environment before buying to make sure whether the products fit or not.  In 2024, we can expect to see more e-commerce platforms incorporating AR features to enhance the shopping experience, reduce returns, and boost customer confidence.

✅Tapping into Online MarketPlaces

Marketplace has already set a trend and dominated the e-commerce industry. For example, Amazon and eBay have already established their presence in e-commerce and continuously deliver the digital experience to their customers. These platforms provide businesses with a huge customer base and more selling options which can save and earn more money for businesses.

tapping into online market places

Moreover, these platforms help businesses to bridge gaps between physical retail and digital stores. Tap into the marketplaces to leverage your customer base and revenue.

✅Q Commerce Growth – Enhance Customer Experience with Quick Delivery

Quick commerce is more popular after post covid. It focuses on last-mile delivery which is transforming the online business. The best example of this trend is online grocery or food stores. It’s driven by customer demand for quick and convenient delivery options. This trend aims to enhance customer experiences by offering quick delivery of products, foods, or any other item.  Most customers preferred to receive anything less than an hour. 


Today online users prefer Quick commerce businesses to buy products and services. For example with the rise of Uber, and Pickme customers expect to receive orders within an hour. So,  businesses should take advantage of this trend and are expected to join hands with local delivery services to provide quick deliveries to their customers and to gain more revenue. 

✅Green Commerce – Focusing on Environmental Sustainability

Consumers are continuously concerned about the environment, they truly care about the ethical and environmental impact of their purchases. They focus more on eco-friendly products and ensure that they are purchasing from a brand that is conscious about the environment. 

As per Nielsen’s study, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for products from brands committed to positive social and environmental impact. So to align with these environmentally friendly practices businesses should focus on sustainable packaging (recyclable and biodegradable), lower carbon emissions, and ethically sourced products from suppliers.

green marketing

In 2024, it’s crucial for businesses to focus on sustainable goals to attract environmentally conscious customers and to stand out from the competitors

✅Social Commerce – Prioritizing the Power of Social Media

As you all know, social media is the next big thing that revolutionize the industry. Social media platforms are evolving into powerful sales channels. Nowadays most consumers spend more time on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, they browse to search e-commerce marketplaces or to buy directly products on these platforms. 

social commerce

Social Commerce allows users to get a shoppable experience by allowing them to purchase without leaving the platform. Building a strong social presence will hello businesses enhance their brand identity and awareness which drives more leads to the business.  Social media strategy is a core part of your marketing strategy. Create attractive visuals, videos, and engaging content to build your identity on social media. E-commerce businesses are expected to leverage social commerce more in 2024 by integrating shopping features and advertising options.

✅Embrace AI and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will continue to play a pivotal role in e-commerce. By analyzing customer data, AI can provide highly personalized shopping experiences. Al continuously gathers vast data about customers such as how they shop, which items they purchase most, which pages and platforms they use and what emails they open. Machine Learning analyzes these data and provides tailored product recommendations, customized marketing messages, and even chatbots that can provide real-time customer support.

ai commerce

E-commerce businesses that invest in AI will not only enhance customer engagement but also boost sales.

✅Subscription Services – Rise of Subscription-based model pricing and membership programs

Subscription-based models are becoming increasingly popular. Customers love the convenience of regular product deliveries, whether it’s meal kits, clothing, or skincare products. E-commerce businesses that offer subscription services can build loyal customer bases and predictable revenue streams.

subscription services plan

🔔Future of Ecommerce in 2024 and Beyond

In conclusion, the e-commerce landscape in 2024 will be shaped by technology, sustainability, and changing consumer preferences. 2024 promises to be an exciting year for the e-commerce industry, with these trends shaping the way businesses operate and consumers shop. To stay competitive, e-commerce businesses should remain adaptable and keep an eye on emerging technologies and consumer preferences. By embracing these trends, businesses can continue to provide innovative, convenient, and personalized shopping experiences for their customers while staying ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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Supercharge Your Black Friday Game | 12 Winning Black Friday Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Sales

Are you looking for proven Black Friday Marketing Ideas for the year’s biggest sales week? As the holiday season approaches, businesses of all sizes are gearing up for one of the most significant shopping events of the year called Black Friday. For consumers, it’s a day to feast with amazing deals. For businesses, it’s an opportunity to boost their sales and end the year with huge profits. To make the most of this shopping extravaganza, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out Black Friday marketing strategy.

But the question is how to make it happen, no worries, in this blog post we’ve got you covered with the trendiest Black Friday Marketing Ideas to make your sales grow during this biggest shopping festive season of 2023.

⚡ Why You Can’t Ignore Black Friday Deals?


Black Friday is the biggest Shopping deal of the year that takes place every year after Thanksgiving in the United States, falls on the fourth Thursday of November.  It kickstarts the holiday shopping season for the year. During Black Friday retailers offer significant discounts and promotions on a variety of products from electronics, and clothing to digital products.


With the advancement of eCommerce, nowadays Black Friday Sale has extended from brick-and-mortar stores to online sales. Black Friday is a great chance for retailers to drive more customers to their physical or online stores and sell their products in bulk to customers with amazing deals of the year.

ðŸ§ē When is the Perfect Time to Start Black Friday ðŸ“Ĩ Marketing Deals


According to the studies, more than 50% of winter holiday shoppers start shopping on October, so during this time you want to be on their radar as they consider their holiday purchases.


✅ Early October: Start planning your promotions, discounts, and special deals. This is the time to determine what products you’ll feature and how you’ll market them.

✅ Mid-October: Begin promoting teasers of your Black Friday deals on your website and social media channels. Encourage visitors to sign up for your email list to receive exclusive early access.

✅ Early November: Launch your full Black Friday marketing campaign. Send out email blasts, create social media posts, and consider running paid advertising campaigns to increase visibility.

✅ Mid-November: Send out reminder emails to your subscribers, sharing more details about your upcoming Black Friday deals. Create a sense of urgency by mentioning limited quantities or limited-time offers.

✅ Black Friday Week: Continue to push your promotions and deals through various channels, including email, social media, and paid advertising. Consider running flash sales or limited-time offers to keep customers engaged.

✅ Black Friday and Beyond: Make the most of the big day itself and the weekend following it. Continue to promote your deals, offer excellent customer service, and monitor your results. Don’t forget to prepare for Cyber Monday as well.

📌 Top 12 Proven Black Friday🧊Marketing Ideas  Marketing 



Black Friday competition will be hotter than ever since all the types of businesses will be there in this big holiday shopping season. It’s vital for retailers to craft their own marketing strategy during this season to stand out from the crowd. Let’s take a look into the top 12 marketing ideas to make the most of this incredible shopping event

✅Launch Early with Teaser and Pre-Black Friday Promotions (But not too early)

Black Friday isn’t just about a single day of sales; it’s an entire shopping season. Retailers have started offering deals earlier, making the entire week leading up to Black Friday a prime shopping period. To capitalize on this trend, start your marketing early with teasers and pre-Black Friday promotions.

Create suspense by hinting at the incredible deals you’re about to offer and build anticipation among your audience. Utilize social media, email marketing, and your website to share sneak peeks, countdowns, and exclusive offers to engage your customers before the big day arrives.

Use social media to post teasers of the products or deals that will be available on Black Friday. Send out email newsletters with exclusive previews and offer early-bird discounts to subscribers.

🔖Dont wait till the last minute, Grab your opportunity!

✅Offer Limited Time Flash Sales (Hourly or Daily Deals)


Black Friday is all about limited-time offers, and nothing creates a sense of urgency quite like a countdown clock or a “while supplies last” message. Consider running flash sales with unbeatable discounts on popular items but for a limited time only. This not only drives customers to your site but also encourages them to act quickly to secure the best deals.

Run Hourly or Daily deals which are limited for a certain period of time, it can motivate customers to grab this before it ends. This kind of deal creates a sense of urgency within your customers and encourages them to make quick decisions and act immediately to grab the exclusive deals.

Use scarcity marketing techniques to build FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) within your customers. To make it even more enticing, send out push notifications or emails to alert your customers when these flash sales go live.

✅Share a sneak peek to build anticipation


Start creating excitement within your customers by sharing the sneak peeks of your upcoming Black Friday deals. You can post images and teaser videos of your amazing deals. This kind of sneak peek will capture the attention of your audience towards the Black Friday deals.


You can share your sneak peeks through social media, email, website popups and more. Dont miss to incorporate the following within your sneak peeks,

  • Announce the Super Deals date – Start by revealing the days when your Black Friday discounts will be active. This not only builds anticipation but also helps customers plan their shopping accordingly. 
  • Display the products that will be discounted – Tease your audience with a glimpse of some of the products that will be on sale. Highlight your best deals or popular items to capture attention. 
  • Showcase products for customers to add to their wish list – share products that customers can add to their wish lists. This is a clever way to let your audience create a shopping list and stay engaged with your brand until Black Friday arrives. 
  • Use Teaser Text and Images: The language and imagery you use in your sneak peeks matter. Use compelling copy and visuals that excite and resonate with your target audience. 
✅Use Spin Wheel to offer mystery savings


Black Friday marketing is all about creating a buzz, and what better way to do so than by adding an element of excitement and surprise to your promotions? The use of a “Spin Wheel” is a creative and engaging strategy that can generate a lot of interest and anticipation among your customers.

You can use the coupon spin wheel to offer discounts and deals. Imagine your potential customers visiting your website, eager to see what kind of Black Friday deals you have to offer. Instead of just presenting a list of discounts, you can add an interactive element by introducing a Spin Wheel that offers mystery savings. This not only engages your audience but also makes shopping with your brand a memorable experience.

✅Create a Gift Guide 🎁


During this Christmas season, most of the shoppers will be looking for gifts for their loved ones. But most of the time we are not aware of what kind of gifts they are looking for. So during that time, you can help them by creating a gift guide. Gift guides are a curated selection of giftable products or services.  A well-designed Gift Guide can be a powerful tool to engage your audience, boost sales, and enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers. You can share your gift guide through emails, website and social media

✅Implement Email ðŸ“Ĩ Marketing Campaigns


Email marketing is a valuable medium for connecting with your customers during Black Friday Season. Start by building a targeted email list and segment it to tailor your messages to different customer groups. Send out Black Friday teaser emails early, and follow up with reminders as the day approaches.

Craft compelling subject lines that stand out in crowded inboxes and offer exclusive discounts to your subscribers. Consider using dynamic content and personalization to make your emails more relevant to individual customers. Remember to test your email campaigns for deliverability and mobile responsiveness.

✅Offer Early Access to ðŸšĻ VIP Customers 


Reward your most loyal customers with exclusive early access to your Black Friday deals. This not only cultivates customer loyalty but also generates word-of-mouth marketing.

Segment your customer base to identify your VIP customers. Send them a special invitation to your Black Friday deals a day or two before the official launch. This exclusive offer will increase the rate of customer retention and customer lifetime value.

✅Create a Black Friday 🊊 Landing Page


Designing a Black Friday Landing Page all year around is vital to build the email list and to inform the audience about the upcoming Black Friday deals. Having a dedicated landing page will help you drive more traffic to your website and improve the conversion rate. How does an effective landing page look?


  • Catchy Headline that conveys the value of your holiday deals
  • Create a sense of urgency by displaying a countdown on the landing page
  • Highlight the offers with clear and compelling texts
  • Feature your exclusive offers with high-quality images
  • Add strong CTAs that entice users to make an action
  • Integrate social proof by adding testimonials, badges and return policies
  • An Email Signup form to build your email list
✅Collaborate with Influencers ðŸĪđ‍♀


Leverage the power of influencer marketing by collaborating with influencers in your niche. An influencer can help you to promote your offers and deals on this holiday season. Influencers can reach a wider and highly engaged audience, offering authentic recommendations and reviews of your products.

You can provide them with a special discount code and ask them to promote it across the social platforms. When you partner with a reputed influencer with good background you expand your brand’s visibility and build credibility among your audience. You can partner with TikTok or Instagram influencers to promote your products.

✅Offer Free 🚛 Shipping and Hassle-Free Returns:


Consumers love a good deal, but they also appreciate convenience. Offering free shipping, even for a limited time during Black Friday, can be a game-changer. Shoppers are more likely to make a purchase if they know they won’t incur additional shipping costs. Additionally, make your return policy as hassle-free as possible. A lenient return policy can reduce friction for hesitant buyers and encourage them to make a purchase, knowing they can change their minds later if needed.

✅Make Your ðŸ’đ Check out process more simple


Simplify your checkout process, usually, shoppers will be in a hurry to complete their shopping but having a complicated checkout process with more promotions can make them frustrated and leave without making purchases on this big day.

So optimize your checkout page by removing unnecessary fields, and promotions and adding autocomplete options to make a great shopping experience. In addition, provide various payment gateway options to make their purchases more convenient. Minimizing the friction in the checkout page helps prevent cart abandonment and increase conversion and traffic.


✅Integrate  Chatbot for a seamlessðŸĪ–shopping experience out process 


On this holiday season, you will be having more business and customers, so it’s necessary to have a chatbot to engage with customers and provide 24/7 customer support. During Blackfriday customers will have more questions on the offers, products, payment, shipping and more, by integrating a chatbot within your website you can assist your customer inquiries and streamline your customer support services. You have to ensure 24/7 services to your customers to provide a better shopping experience.

🔔 Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Black Friday is the biggest shopping extravaganza of the year, it just not a shopping event, its a golden opportunity to grow your revenue and profit margin. As the countdown to Black Friday 2023 begins, it’s clear that businesses need to harness the power of these Black Friday marketing strategies to thrive in the competitive retail landscape.

Personalize your approach, highlight social proof, and provide stellar customer service to win over shoppers. Harness the power of both online and offline channels, collaborate with influencers, and introduce gamification to make the shopping experience fun and memorable. Reward your loyal customers with early access, and make the most of email marketing campaigns to stay connected with your audience.


Now, it’s time to put these strategies into action and make Black Friday 2023 your most successful yet. Start planning today, so you can deliver incredible deals and unforgettable experiences for your customers. Ready to take your Black Friday marketing to the next level? Get in touch with our team today to discuss how we can tailor these strategies to your unique business needs. Let’s make this Black Friday your best one yet!



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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AI For Sales Prospecting: How To Leverage Your Sales Pipeline In 2024

Sales prospecting is vital to a company’s successful sales process. Sales prospecting is the process of identifying, analyzing and connecting with new potential customers (prospects) to generate new revenue. With the rapid advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, AI technologies have disrupted the sales process and it’s worth it in terms of lead generation and sales forecasting. In this article, we delve deeper into how AI transform the sales process.

ai for sales 2023

Generative AI for Sales Prospecting

Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on training models which can generate a wide range of data such as images, audio, texts and 3D models based on the existing patterns and data. Generative AI is the game changer in sales prospecting. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate data-driven insights to identify potential leads.

By analyzing large datasets, GenAI can learn patterns, preferences, and behaviours of prospects, enabling sales teams to craft personalized messages to focus on leads that are most likely to convert.

How Generative AI Shapes the Sales Process

Based on a recent survey of salespeople, most of them use AI for the following areas in sales prospecting,

1. Content Creation

Generative AI tools like ChatGpt can help the sales team with creating high-quality content, such as blog posts, whitepapers, and reports, which can be used as valuable resources during the sales process. Creating high-quality content can help the sales team to attract, engage and nurture potential customers throughout the sales funnel. Sharing informative content builds trust with prospects and enhances your brand reputation.

2. Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM) Integration

Customer Relationship Management System empowers the sales team to manage, track and leverage data insights to identify potential customers and convert them into leads. CRM automates the sales process by sending follow-up emails, outreach reminders and uncovering trends and customer pain points to prioritize high-value leads.

3. Customer Segmentation

Generative AI helps the sales team with customer segmentation. Generative AI can process a huge amount of customer data to understand and identify the patterns, preferences and behaviours of potential customers. These insights assist the sales team with crafting customized strategies and personalizing messages which make the sales process more ease.

4. Data Enrichment

Generative AI can automatically enrich existing lead data with valuable insights. These AI tools enhance the prospect data by removing duplicates, verifying contacts and providing real-time snapshots of the sales conversations. Analyzing information from websites, social media, and other sources, it can provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date profile of potential prospects which helps the sales team with effective prospecting and outreach.

5. Natural Language Processing

In the context of sales prospecting utilizing the Natural Language Process (NLP) model can analyze customer feedback, reviews and social media comments to assess customer sentiments and potential opportunities. These insights help sales experts personalize outreach messages to resonate with their target audience. For example, Chat GPT can assist in generating personalized emails or messages by analyzing customer interactions.

6. Predictive Analytics

Generative AI can analyze historical data to identify patterns and trends, enabling sales teams to make data-driven decisions. It can predict which leads are most likely to convert, helping sales professionals develop and optimize their sales strategies and allocate their resources effectively.

7. Chatbots

Chatbots can help you engage customers by providing instant responses to their inquiries and moving them through the sales journey. You can integrate chatbots on websites or social media platforms to engage with potential customers and collect their information. These chatbots can ask qualifying questions, gather information, and even schedule meetings with prospects when they meet specific criteria.

8. Sales Automation

The main advantage of Generative AI is it automates repetitive tasks such as data entry, follow-ups, reminders, and email templates. For example, sales professionals spend more time on developing proposals and emails but Generative AI eliminates these tasks and allows sales professionals to focus on other aspects of building a long-lasting relationship with customers and closing deals.

Advantages of utilizing AI in your sales prospecting efforts
understanding ai


1. Improved Efficiency and accuracy

AI assist you in analyzing a large data set of your prospects and identifying their behaviour, preferences and patterns which are even undetectable by human sales professionals. These insights help the sales team to improve their sales process more efficiently and focus on highly convertible prospects. Moreover reduces the time for repetitive tasks such as data entry, lead scoring, and follow-up emails which increases productivity and efficiency.

2. Data-Driven Decision Making

AI provides you with data-driven insights which give a deep understanding of what works andwhat doesn’t. These insights help sales professionals to make informed decisions and optimize their sales strategies and efforts.

3. Enhanced Lead Generation

AI can process vast amounts of data from various sources, such as websites, social media, and previous purchase behaviours, which helps to identify potential leads matching your ideal customer profile.

4. Improved Personalization

AI models like ChatGPT can craft personalized outreach emails or messages with high open and conversion rates. This personalization increases the chances of attracting qualified leads and improving their customer experience.

Limitations of using AI for Sales Prospecting

Although there are numerous advantages to integrating AI within sales prospecting efforts, there are some challenges and limitations which need to be addressed;

1. Data Privacy Concerns: Since AI accesses a large amount of customer data, it’s necessary to have standard data privacy and security measures.

2. Inaccuracy: Sometimes AI can generate inaccurate insights that don’t fit your sales strategy but it’s necessary to cross-check the accuracy of AI output before using them.

3. Cost: Another biggest challenge is the cost of AI tools. Sales teams need to have a separate budget to opt high-quality AI tools and they have to spend more time and effort on researching which tools fit for their business.

AI Tools for Sales Prospecting

Let’s explore some AI tools beyond Chat GPT that can enhance your sales prospecting efforts.

1. LinkedIn Sales Navigator: It uses AI to identify and recommend potential leads based on your target audience and provide the best way to connect with them.
2. Salesforce: AI-powered CRM analyzes customer data and provides valuable insights to your sales team to make informed decisions on your sales strategy.
3. Zoominfo: It provides a large database of businesses and their contact information, using AI to help you discover potential leads and verify their contact details.
4. Hubspot: AI-powered CRM helps the sales team in lead scoring, lead nurturing, and follow-up reminders.
Elevate Your Sales to the Next Level with Generative AI

AI is the future of sales, it has revolutionized the way of approaching sales prospecting and become an inevitable tool for the sales team. While AI offers with wide range of benefits from customer segmentation, personalization, and lead generation to data-driven decision-making, it can’t replace the human element in sales. By harnessing the power of AI, sales professionals can focus their efforts on building meaningful relationships with qualified leads, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and revenue. As AI technology continues to evolve, integrating Generative AI into your sales strategy is a smart move to stay competitive in today’s fast- paced business landscape.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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DTC eCommerce: How to Win Over Customers and Drive Sales in 2024


The direct-to-customer (DTC) model business is growing tremendously and it has revolutionized the retail industry. According to eMarketer’s study by 2024, the DTC market is predicted to grow by over $160 billion.

However, there is no doubt that 2024 will likely provide more challenges for DTC businesses seeking to expand. In this article, we will cover What is DTC E-commerce, its pros and cons, examples of successful DTC brands and their strategies to overcome common challenges and stay on top.

What is the Direct to Consumer (DTC) E-commerce model?

what is the direct to consumer

The direct-to-consumer e-commerce model is an online retail model where brands sell their products directly to their customers through their online platforms rather than using third-party intermediaries or brick-and-mortar stores.

In the traditional retail business model, the product reaches the consumer through the manufacturer to wholesaler to distributor to retailer and finally in the hands of consumers but the DTC model bypasses the traditional distribution channels and builds a direct connection with their audience.

The main goal of the DTC business model is to build long-lasting relationships with customers by understanding their needs and delivering personalized experiences to satisfy their needs. DTC’s business model is solely responsible for the entire customer journey starting from product development, marketing, sales and customer support.

Benefits of the DTC E-Commerce Model

benefits of the DTC E Commerce model

DTC E-commerce model offers numerous benefits to the brands to compete in the digital landscape. Let’s look into the key benefits;

  1. Build Strong Customer Relationships & Deliver Personalized Customer Experience

DTC e-commerce allows for more personalized interactions with customers, you have full control over your customer’s experience. DTC Brands have the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of who are their customers, interests, preferences and their purchase behaviour. By analyzing this valuable customer data, brands can tailor their marketing efforts to individual preferences, fostering stronger customer retention and customer loyalty.

  1. Increased control over brand messaging

Unlike traditional retail, DTC has full control over pricing, customer data, product, marketing, sales, brand and reputation which makes them stand out from the competitive landscape. The main core advantage of DTC is to craft their own brand’s voice.

  1. More access to Customer Data

For many years manufacturers relied on retailers to get access to customer data, but in the age of e-commerce, customers purchase directly from the stores, where you are able to gain valuable insights about your target audience. So based on the insights you can plan your marketing efforts and satisfy the customers’ pain points.E

Top 5 Examples of DTC Brands That Are Excelling

Let’s look at some rocking DTC brands and their successful marketing strategies to


Allbirds 2

Allbirds is well known for producing eco-friendly fashionable footwear for men and women. They prioritize direct sales through a user-friendly online shopping experience. Recently they have launched their own app where they have created a space to have direct communication with their customers and deliver bespoke experience overall.

Warby Parker

Warby Parker

Warby Parker has been a market leader in the eye industry for more than 10 years and revolutionized the traditional eye industry by offering affordable elegant glasses through their online platform. Warby believes that it’s unnecessary for you to make repeated visits, to the optometrist to find the frames that suit you, so to improve customer experience, their in-house team decided to make chic frames for contemporary consumers, where they can try those frames from home and they ship them for free. This unique feature allows them to build a convenient shopping experience for their customers.

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club has transformed the male grooming market by delivering men’s razors and grooming products directly to customer’s doors through a subscription-based model. DSC is well known for its witty marketing campaign, the brand has grown out through a viral YouTube funny video that targeted men. They eliminated the intermediaries and supply chain costs and delivered razors at an affordable price. Also, to improve customer retention they targeted a subscription model where the customer receives the product regularly.



Casper disrupted the mattress industry by delivering the mattresses directly to customers with return policies. This brand has simplified the mattress-buying process and enhanced the customer experience


Glossier is a beauty brand that has built a cult-like following. Glossier focuses on building a strong brand identity through social media and customer engagement. By leveraging user-generated content and influencer partnerships, they created a community-driven brand that resonated with their target audience.

Proven DTC Marketing strategies to grow your DTC brands

proven DTC marketing strategies
  1. Build Your Strong Brand Identity

If you are looking to expand your business into a DTC business model, you must have a strong brand identity to hook your customers. Your brand image is the core of building an emotional connection with your customers. Generally, customers don’t trust the products available online, they always look at whether this brand is trustworthy or not. So it’s vital for brands to build trust among the customers with a strong brand identity. However, if you have a strong brand image you must ensure that it’s consistent across all marketing channels which will make customers recognize you.

Building a strong brand identity is essential. With fierce competition in the DTC E-commerce market, brands must stand out by creating a compelling brand story and values that resonate with their target audience. This will help build customer loyalty and differentiate the brand from competitors.

  1. Speak to your customers

Continuously engage with your customers through surveys, feedback forms and social media to identify the customer interests, pain points and expectations. Providing outstanding customer service can set DTC brands apart. Quick responses, helpful support, and hassle-free returns build trust and loyalty.

  1. Expand and Diversify your marketing mix

Market your brand through a diversified marketing mix such as social media, connect with influencers (influencer marketing), content marketing and paid advertising to build brand exposure and reach a larger audience.

One of the proven ways to build trust with your target audience is through user-generated content. Encourage customers to share their reviews and experiences about the brand which will help to enhance trust and credibility.

  1. Personalize Customer’s experience

Personalization is the biggest weapon to build a closer connection with customers. DTC brands should invest in personalization to stay ahead of the competition. Customers want to feel them as special. So to improve their customer experience offer product suggestions based on their individual preferences, which makes them unique and feel that they are getting what they want.

  1. Collect Customer reviews

Encourage customers to post positive reviews and leave testimonials on the website and other online platforms. These reviews create a positive image of the brand and influence the prospect to make a purchasing decision.

  1. Establishing strong logistics

DTC brands can greatly benefit from collaborating with e-commerce logistics providers and utilizing technology to ensure inventory management, efficient order tracking and quick delivery.

  1. Offer multiple shipping and payment options

Don’t restrict your customers with limited payment options and shipment methods. Offer various shipping methods from express to standard and provide more secure payment options.

Elevate your DTC experience in 2024

In summary, DTC E-commerce is not just a trend, it’s a transformative approach that reshapes the retail market. It empowers brands to build a direct connection with customers, fostering customer loyalty through delivering personalized shopping experience and leading to improved revenue.

 If you want to improve your DTC marketing experience and scale your business in 2024? DTC brands continuously need to innovate, embrace creativity,  data-driven strategies into their business model to stay ahead of the curve.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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Unleash Your B2B Lead Generation: Secrets to Generate High-Quality Leads and Fuel Business Growth

Every B2B business is in the process of attracting the right high-quality leads to sustain itself in the competitive market. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more challenging for every business in the B2B domain than ever to capture the attention of your target audience amid countless distractions. So businesses should have an effective B2B lead generation strategy in place that increases and automates the lead generation, but the ugly truth is you have to customize your approach to fit your organization, industry, product/service and audience. 

In this blog post, we will walk you through the best B2B lead generation strategies that fit your business in 2023 to maximize your ROI.

b2b lead generation strategies

What is B2B Lead Generation?

B2B Lead Generation is the process of identifying potential customers for your product or service and nurturing them to purchase. Lead generation is a critical and initial stage in the sales funnel and guides potential customers throughout the funnel and persuades them to buy your product or service. B2B lead generation involves collecting information about potential customers such as name, email address and company name and then feeding the information further down the sales funnel.

B2B Lead Generation Process

The sales and marketing team plays a crucial role in the lead generation process. Ideally these two departments will be cohesively aligned and create a proven lead generation framework to convert their prospects into paying customers.  If you’re serious about boosting your sales, you need to follow an enticing lead-generation process. But do we know the actual process of generating B2B leads?

b2b lead generation process

✅ Step 1
Identifying your B2B Sales Lead

The first step in the lead generation strategy is finding the contact information (name, email, address..) of the potential customer. But it’s crucial to know who is the prospect you want to get in touch with.  Start by creating a buyer persona, which includes their industry, job title, where they go for information and what are the pain points they have.

Once you have a clear picture of the prospects with whom you need to be in touch, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that speak to the specific needs of your ideal customers.

✅ Step 2
Contacting Potential Leads

Now you have a database of your potential high-quality leads, it’s time to reach the potential leads. The sales team or representative can reach out through SEO, Content marketing, paid advertising, cold calls, email or social media. To optimize the effectiveness of your strategies, it is essential to maintain a sharp focus on the persona(s) you have developed and remain flexible and adaptable to refine and tweak your approach as you progress.

✅ Step 3
Qualifying and Prospect High-Quality Leads

As sales reps start to interact with the leads, it’s important to determine how likely they are to buy. It can be understood by identifying the stage of lead in the buying process.

☑ Awareness Stage: In this stage, the potential buyer is aware of a problem and seeking a solution and they start to learn more about it. They’ll be reading blog posts and case studies , downloading white papers or either perform web searches.

☑ Consideration Stage: At this stage, the potential buyer knows the actual product/service needed. They begin to research more about the products/services but yet not ready to purchase.

☑ Decision Stage: At this stage, the lead has done maximum research and filtered the vendors that suit their needs. They are likely to have meetings, book demos, and check in with other decision-makers in their organization to make a purchase. Sales Reps need to initiate nurturing campaigns to turn leads into buyers.

Keep in my mind the efforts you make in the awareness stage won’t work in the decision stage. For example creating awareness through social media, blog posts and emails works at awareness but won’t help leads to make a decision; at this stage, they prefer demo calls or either free trials.

✅ Step 4
Closing a Deal – Make a sale

Success! You have successfully closed the deal with the lead and converted them to customers. They’ll now be transferred to customer success for onboarding.

B2B Lead Generation Strategies that Work on 2023

Most of B2B companies focus on generating high-quality leads than high-quantity leads. The best way to generate qualified leads is to have an enticing B2B lead generation strategy in place. Businesses need to tailor their strategy around your industry, product/service and buyer. There is no single one size fits all solution, your sales and marketing team needs to experiment, learn and implement multiple lead generation strategies until you find the best that suits you. Ready to explore? Below we shared proven 8 b2b lead generation strategies to increase your sales. b2b lead generation strategies 2023
  1. Run an A/B Tests 
  2. Generating leads is crucial for the growth and success of your business. You can’t nail down your marketing and outreach strategies on the first attempt. In fact, many businesses don’t. This is where A/B testing comes in. It isn’t quite easy to identify which campaign is the most effective. A/B testing involves experimenting with different landing pages, formats, colors, messages and CTAs to observe which version generates the high level of engagement Potential leads may be on the look for the best products in the market since they are human beings with specific interests, even a small change in a CTA button can make a huge impact on the engagement rate. There’s no any limit on how much A/B testing you can do, so test with as many variations as you like until you’re confident your lead generation strategies are fully optimized. So you have to continuously track the different campaigns to find which works for you.

  3. Using an evergreen content campaign continuously generates B2B leads
  4. Content marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to generate leads. By creating valuable, informative content that speaks directly to your target audience’s pain points and challenges, you can attract potential customers to your website and capture their contact information. You can use lead magnets such as whitepapers, comprehensive guides and case studies and create videos and publish blogs.

  5. Build your trust with social proof
  6. Social Proof is the most powerful part of B2B lead generation.  B2B customers are fussier when purchasing products or services, they look for social proof before they make a purchasing decision. If the customers trust your product or services, they will be more interested to purchase your product or service. So collecting more social proof for your website will build trust among potential customers and will generate more leads. Here are some  ways to build social proof for your business;
    • Showcase your reviews on your website – If you had a long-term relationship with your clients, encourage your customers, to leave testimonials on your landing page and also you can display third-party reviews from Trustpilot, Google or G2 crowd.
    • Display your case studies – Sharing your success stories with your customers is an excellent way to build trust. 
    • Display your business stats – Display the stats of your business such as subscribers, no.of.clients, and downloads to showcase your performance. It will help you to build credibility and build trust with your customers
    • Dont let leads escape your landing page – Create a winning Landing Page
    81 per cent of marketers agree that engaging content is more effective in grabbing customers attraction than static content. When it comes to B2B lead generation, the landing page plays a crucial role in the buyer’s journey. When a potential lead clicks your landing page, you don’t have time, you have to act quickly to grab their attention through catchy headlines, pop-ups, Clear and enticing CTAs, and use a live chat. Build your winning landing page:
    • Upgrade with catchy headlines to catch the attention of buyers
    • Build trust with social proof – Make louder for the people in back
    • Make your CTAs stand out to entice visitors to take action
    • Integrate Live chat functionality within your page

  7. Publish and Promote more case studies
  8. Case studies are the most important part of the rise of B2B marketing and B2B lead generation. B2B buyers tend to be extremely more analytical, risk-averse investors, and ROI-focused people before calling for a final decision. Nowadays case studies are ranked in the top third in the top used content types in B2B sales next to email newsletters, blog posts and short videos. Many B2B buyers admitted that case studies are utilized at the middle and bottom of the lead generation process to persuade the buyers to make a purchase. B2B buyers heavily rely on facts, so don’t leave the case studies idle on your website. Share your success stories to skyrocket your credibility.

  9. Capture the attention of your Visual Audience with Video content
  10. Still, you’re  not using videos in your lead generation process, here are the reasons why  you should;
    • Ninety per cent of marketers admit that video is the best way to repurpose your content.
    • Next to Google, Youtube is the largest search engine platform on the web.
    Video content has better engagement than images or text which helps to generate more leads. Video content on Youtube can have a great impact on your B2B lead generation process. You don’t need a blockbuster video, you also can repurpose the existing content into an engaging video. For example, let’s say a prospect is interested in purchasing a lead generation tool, but they need to ensure there is a tutorial on how to use the particular tool. If the prospect searches on Google he/she will flood with mixed results but if they search on youtube, they will find companies that filmed in-depth tutorials So, don’t miss using videos on your B2B lead generation.

  11. Target leads on LinkedIn
  12. LinkedIn has become a popular social network platform among professionals. It is the ultimate platform for B2B lead generation as many businesses use it for professional networking. It can help you to attract twice as many leads compared to other social platforms. LinkedIn offer you exclusive features like LinkedIn ads, Marketing partners to attract your B2B leads. With LinkedIn, it’s easy to nurture high-quality leads but make sure you have set up your profile properly. If you’re planning to advertise on LinkedIn make sure to Offer Premium B2B products or services or Unique, high-level education.
Final Thoughts!

The B2B lead generation process involves defining your ideal customer profile, developing a lead magnet, driving traffic to your lead magnet, capturing leads, nurturing leads, qualifying leads, and closing deals. Generating B2B leads and increasing sales can be challenging but, it’s possible if you have an effective lead generation plan in place and implement it successfully. 

Ready to take your B2B lead generation to the next level and drive business growth? Start by implementing these proven strategies and tactics today. Remember to remain focused on your buyer personas and be open to refining your approach along the way. With persistence and a data-driven mindset, you can achieve B2B lead generation success. Don’t wait – start implementing these tips now and watch your sales soar!



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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What is Growth Marketing and How Does it help for Business Growth?

In the emerging fast-paced world it’s really challenging for all kinds of businesses to stay ahead of their competitors. In order to stand out from the competition, businesses have to implement marketing tactics, adopt new innovative marketing strategies and use data. This is where the term Growth Marketing plays a crucial role. In recent years Growth Marketing has emerged as buzz word among marketers and businesses that focus to drive revenue growth. So, in this post let’s explore what growth marketing is, how it differs from traditional marketing, and how it can help businesses to scale.

Actually, growth marketing is a long-term data-driven strategy that focuses on driving robust and sustainable growth for businesses. The ultimate goal of growth marketing is to identify the most efficient and effective ways to drive user acquisition and retention, rather than just building brand awareness. The two main factors of growth marketing are data and experimentation. Growth marketers run various continuous iterative experiments and gather data on customers’ behaviour, interest, intent, and market insights to get an understanding of customers and optimize customer journey touchpoints. With the right mix of tactics, growth marketing tactics can provide a snowball effect on businesses and their bottom line.

difference-between-growth-marketing-and-traditional marketing

Essentially Growth marketing goes beyond traditional marketing methods. The main difference between growth marketing and traditional marketing is the focus on growth.

Traditional marketing focuses on the top of the funnel to drive brand awareness while growth marketing focuses on the full funnel to acquire, engage and retain customers and turn them into the champions of your brand; this means growth marketers involve in experimentation and use customer data-driven tactics and strategies at each stage of the funnel to rapidly scale their business. They work relentlessly to identify the innovative approaches that work best for their businesses.

Another key difference is in the traditional marketing decision-making approach is based on opinion or gut feeling, on the other hand, growth marketing is based on evidence which led to data-driven decisions.

Overall, growth marketing is a more agile and data-driven approach to marketing that is focused on driving sustainable and scalable growth. Traditional marketing, while still important, may not be as effective in a rapidly evolving digital landscape where consumers are increasingly empowered and demand more personalized and relevant experiences.


✅ A/B Testing

A/B testing also called a multivariate test, is one of the core components of Growth Marketing. Growth marketers use A/B testing to compare the two different versions. This involves testing option A against option B for example testing two different versions of landing pages, Ad copy, design, and other features. Once the growth marketer finds the best variation that drives greater engagement and conversion, they can then optimize future marketing efforts upon the effective variation to scale their growth plan.

✅ Cross Channel Marketing

Cross Channel Marketing focuses on prospects and current customers through multi-channels such as email marketing, Digital advertising campaigns, Social media, and other channels. While Integrating multi-channel marketing into your growth marketing strategy plan ensures the customer experience is consistent and relevant. One of the finest ways to provide a multi-channel experience is to implement a Conversational Marketing Platform.

✅ Customer lifecycle

The customer lifecycle is also an important part of growth marketing. The customer lifecycle is the journey that your customer goes through during their relationship with your brand. This involves how customers move through different stages of their customer journey, from becoming aware of the product to making a purchase and converting into a loyal customer. As a growth marketer, a crucial aspect is to identify the stages within the customer lifecycle that offer growth opportunities. To determine these stages, it is essential to analyze your business data thoroughly. By doing so, businesses can create effective marketing campaigns to accommodate the changing needs of customers at each stage.

✅ Customer Feedback

Another key component of Growth marketing is customer feedback. The ultimate goal of the growth marketing strategy is to build a long-term relationship with your customers. Gathering, customer feedback continuously gives you insights about what’s their experience and what’s making the frustrated. To gain insights quickly, data analysis is valuable, but interacting with customers directly can provide feedback much faster. You can collect customer insights through surveys, interviews, social listening, and focus group to identify what is working and what is not and based on their opinion to optimize your campaigns.


The Pirate Funnel is also called as AAARRR model which helps to scale your business and achieve exponential growth. It is mostly used by growth marketers to find their bottleneck and to find where to pay more attention. AAARRR frameworks track metrics across the customer journey from awareness, acquisition, activation, revenue, and retention to referral.

☑ Awareness

Awareness is the first stage of the funnel, where the customer interacts with your brand for the very first time and learns about your brand and solution, while businesses aim to make people aware of the product and create interest among them. You might have an excellent product that offers immense value but it can be challenging to acquire customers if they did not know about the product. Growth marketers need to focus on a cohesive approach to drive the customers to the awareness stage and retain them throughout the funnel.

For example, Growth marketers can run A/B testing to test which type of blog content or social media posts helps to generate more traffic and engagement.

☑ Acquisition

The acquisition is the process of attracting and converting potential customers into actual paying customers through personalized emails, gated content, giveaways, or sign up for a free trial. At this stage, businesses focus on increasing the customer base and revenue. This stage is very crucial for brands to achieve sustainable growth. So, they have to focus on the right audience.

☑ Activation

Activation is the third stage of the Pirate metric, it is a part of the customer onboarding process. At this stage, businesses convert the acquired customers into active and engaged customers. The main goal is to increase the customer experience. This is the process aiming active customers to use the product or service purchased as soon as possible. Growth marketers run experiments with different onboarding tactics like video demos, and personalized customer services to find what methods are most effective to activate your audience.

☑ Retention

The retention stage of the pirate funnel is to keep the customers engaged continuously and increase the customer lifetime value through continuous purchases. After customers have activated its crucial to retain them. Keeping the customers delighted is a key component of a growth marketing strategy, it’s also important to acquire new users but at the same time, it’s essential to generate revenue from the existing customers. Data enrichment and customer data science assist growth marketers to gather insights about customer opportunities and creating growth marketing strategies like continuous customer support and releasing new product features.

☑ Revenue

Once you have a base of loyal customers, the next step is to focus on generating revenue, where businesses need to monetize their offerings and convert active customers into paying customers. In order to increase sales or revenue streams, growth marketers can experiment and improve pricing strategies by offering premium features, upselling the current customers and developing new price models.

It is crucial to understand that the revenue stage is highly dependent on the previous stages specifically activation and retention. A business will struggle If a business failed to activate and retain its customers. Therefore, it’s important to have a sound knowledge of how all these stages work together to achieve sustainable growth.

☑ Referral

The referral stage is the final stage in the customer journey, where loyal customers play a role as brand ambassadors to refer your products and services to new customers. Meantime growth marketers can experiment with different referral programs by offering incentives or promotional methods like discounts, free upgrades, vouchers, or cash back to customers who refer your business to others. This kind of innovative approach helps to increase referral rates.

🔔 Wrapping Up

To sum up, Growth marketing is a powerful strategy for businesses that thrive to scale and achieve sustainable growth. With the best combination of data-driven insights and experimentation growth marketing helps to attract, acquire, activate, and retain customers to accelerate growth. If you are looking to scale your business and want to increase your ROI, but are unsure where to begin? Start your growth marketing journey today and unleash the full potential of growth marketing to take your business to next level.



Hey, this is Verginiya Patrick, Senior Manager - Enterprise Digital Marketing and Operation, with extensive experience in developing data-driven marketing campaigns and strategies, successfully managing marketing teams, and monitoring the performance of digital marketing campaigns.

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