The beautiful Colombo Lotus Tower finally opened its petals to the public on 16th September 2019 under the patronage of President Maithripala Sirisena with the partaking of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa, Speaker Karu Jayasuriya, the Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Cheng Xueyuan and many other dignitaries. To mark this historic event of the opening of the Lotus Tower, The Department of Sri Lanka Posts decided to issue a commemorative stamp valued at Rs 45.00 with a first-day cover and a commemorative note.
The tower construction project was commenced in 2012 during the period of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. It was first proposed to be built in the area of Peliyagoda but later the Government of Sri Lanka decided to shift the location to the waterfront of the Beira Lake and the construction started on 20th January 2012 after a foundation stone-laying ceremony at the waterfront of the Beira Lake.
How tall is Colombo Lotus Tower?
The 356 m high Lotus Tower is the tallest freestanding tower in South Asia. it also got the 11th position among the tallest towers in Asia and the 19th position in the entire world. The 1,168 ft tall tower is the symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. The tower has six floors where the 1st and 2nd floors are at 215 m and 219.8 m heights of the tower. And the 3rd and 4th floors of the Tower are at 224.6 m and 224.6 m heights.
Design of The Majestic Lotus Tower
Lotus Tower also is known as Colombo Lotus Tower located in the heart of Colombo city. The design of this incredibly attractive tower is inspired by the Lotus flower. Which signifies purity in Sri Lankan culture also symbolizes the island’s booming developments. The bottom of the tower is inspired by the throne of the lotus flower and created by two upturned trapezoidal. The lotus tower’s color is designed to fluctuate between pink and light yellow by smooth transition effect of the petals accomplished with the coating glass and the LED lights of changeable colors, also the trunk of the tower is illuminated using floodlights, during festivities like Avurudu, Pongal, Christmas and Eid the tower will have suitable decoration exhibits. The tower is around 350 m tall and comprises 30,600 m2 of ground area. The construction cost of the tower is costing $104.3 million which is funded by EXIM Bank of the People’s Republic of China. The lotus tower is noticeable throughout Colombo city, its areas and most chief highways emitting from and across the capital city.
The Lotus tower podium comprises of 6 floors. The first floor of the tower accommodates a telecommunication museum and two exhibition halls for the faculty. The 2nd floor is utilized for numerous conference halls with seating for more than 500 people. Restaurants, food courts, shopping malls, and supermarkets are located on the 3rd floor. There is a 1000-seat auditorium located on the 4th floor, where the 5th floor contains luxury hotel rooms and huge ballrooms. The 7th floor of the tower hosts an observation deck. The constructing of the lotus is designed in the structure of a large water park. The elegant lotus tower has four entrances and eight elevators, with the two entrances being used as VIP entrances for distinguished guests and state leaders.
Functions at Colombo Lotus Tower
This enchanting majestic tower will act as a transmission tower for radio and TV broadcasting. Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT), the ICT Solutions Merchant of the nation is the Telecommunication Service Associate for the Colombo Lotus Tower. Recently, SLT and the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) signed up a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) contract that favors to the Telecommunication Service project of Lotus Tower amidst the executives from SLT, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, and China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation.
Antenna leasing and tourism will be the main sources of revenue for Colombo Lotus Tower. It will be an exceptionally popular leisure and entertainment spot on the island with a variety of tourist attractions. There are plans for Phase II of Lotus Tower which will be constructed in the same locality as the Lotus Tower. It will store the underground parking area for more than 2,000 vehicles, shopping malls, gyms, swimming pool facilities, and movie theatres. With all these future plans in the pipeline, the Lotus Tower indeed seems to promise a better change in Colombo.
Closing In…..
The multifunctional tower is one of the significant attractions in Sri Lanka and an epitome of the Sri Lankan culture, wealth, and developments. Therefore, the beautiful Lotus Tower of Colombo is the pride of Sri Lanka which flourishing the blooming developments of Sri Lanka’s economy.
When you are visiting Colombo, make sure to catch a glimpse of this iconic tower. You will be astonished by the charm of this glorious beauty!

Hello Abi,
When I started to read the Post, it got really interesting and I gathered some new information about the lotus tower. Still, I have not visited the lotus tower, after reading this article, I’m extremely curious to see the tower. Thanks for sharing this article. keep going! All the best for your future posts.
I am glad that you found this post interesting, Hope you get the chance to visit the lotus tower really soon, After visiting don’t forget to share your experience here. Thanks for your best wishes 🙂
Had a good read! Learn some interesting information about Lotus Tower, Planning to visit Lotus Tower with my Uni buddies, hope I will experience the things you mentioned in the article in real-time. Best wishes for your future blogs!
Happy to know that you have gathered some interesting information about Lotus Tower from my post. That’s great after your visit to Lotus Tower, let me know your realtime experience. Thanks for your good wishes 🙂
Hi Abirika,
Lotus Tower is a Beautiful skyscraper in Sri Lanka, you wrote about it amazingly in your blog. Thanks for sharing some valuable and interesting information about Lotus Tower. All the best and do share such articles in the future as well.
I am glad that you found this article interesting and informative at the same time. Thanks for your appreciating words. These kinds of words encourage me to write more 🙂
Whenever I go to Colombo I always imagine how would be the inside view of Lotus Tower look like. Your article gives a clear picture to my imagination, and it increased my curiosity to visit the Lotus Tower to get the real-time experience. Hope I will get the chance to visit the Tower really soon. Interesting article had a good read!
Happy to know that my post feeds your imagination in a good way 😉 and also increase your curiosity to pay a visit to Lotus Tower. Wish your real-time experience would be much better than your imagination and I’ll wait to hear your real-time experience.
Hello Abirika
Unique & interesting! So much new facts you added in the article. I mean, a new reader who wants to literally know about this beauty will find your article really helpful. Keep writing I’ll be looking forward to read more upcoming articles from you 🙂
Thanks for your encouraging words. Happy to know that the article providing interesting information for the readers. Sure I will keep writing more useful and interesting blogs 🙂
Lotus Tower is one of the very new attraction opened in Colombo. Sure it’s added in my wish list. Your article explained what we can expect inside the Lotus Tower. It’s very interesting to read.
I am glad to know that you liked the article. Lotus Tower going to be one most attractive tourist and entertainment spot in Sri Lanka with telecommunication museum, exhibition halls, conference halls, restaurants, food courts, shopping malls and supermarkets. Sure it’s going to be one of the best leisure places in the island.
Hello Abirika,
Definitely Lotus Tower going to be one of the tourist and entertaining spot in Colombo city. This article gives detailed information about the Lotus Tower’s design and functionalities. Really interesting post. Keep writing.
RM Senthuran,
It’s a pleasure to know that you found this article informative. Yeah, Lotus Tower going to be one of the best tourist and entertaining hotspots in Sri Lanka. Whether it’s an official conference or a fun outing with friends, Lotus Tower has everything to fulfil the needs of people. Thanks, sure I will keep continuing my passion for writing 🙂
Lotus Tower is a beautiful symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. I loved this article about Lotus Tower. You have shared some interesting information. Is Lotus Tower now open to public view?
Happy to know that you loved the article :). As of now, people are only allowed to see the outside view of Lotus Tower. Maybe in January 2020 public will be allowed to visit inside the Lotus Tower. Hope by next year we can enjoy the fun and entertainments at Lotus Tower.
Hello Abirika,
Lotus Tower one of the unique and beautiful attractions in Sri Lanka. It’s a pride of Sri Lankans. Your post provides so much interesting information about Lotus Tower. Loved reading it!
Glad to know that you found the article informative and interesting at the same time. You’re right Lotus Tower indeed a pride to our nation. Hope in future there will be many significant events take place in this majestic beauty.
Hi Abirika,
Loved this article about Colombo Lotus Tower. Thanks a lot for sharing this valuable information about Lotus Tower. It’s a brief post with detailed information. Enjoyed reading it. All the very best For your future post!
I am happy to know you have gathered some valuable information from this blog post 🙂 Your words really motivate me to write more. Thanks for your appreciation and admiration!
Lotus tower is unique, beautiful and a blend of colours. It also reflects the symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. Enjoy reading about this unique beauty. Thanks for this interesting article.
Happy to hear that you enjoyed my post :), You’re right Lotus Tower is a blend of vibrant colours which a sparkling visual treat for our eyes!
Lotus Tower is a symbol of Sri Lanka. It’s looking more significant. I got to know more information about Lotus Tower from your post. I had a good read. Looking forward to read more interesting articles from you.
I glad to know that you found the article informative. Thanks for your encouraging words, Sure I will write more articles, hope you love to read them as well 🙂
I haven’t ever been to the lotus tower. When I read your article, I felt as if I went to see the Lotus Tower because it was such a wonderful explaining. If I go to the Lotus Tower, definitely I will share you the experience and thank you for your detailed article.
Happy to hear these appreciating words from you :). Really glad to know that you enjoyed reading my article. Sure, share your experience with us after visiting the Lotus Tower!
Lotus Tower is a beautiful place. When I read your article, I felt as I went to see the Lotus Tower in real-time, because of your wonderful explanation. I will definitely try to visit this place.
It’s nice to hear that you enjoyed reading my article. Thanks for your appreciating words :).Hope your wish to visit the Lotus Tower come true soon.
Before reading this article, I haven’t read any articles about the Lotus Tower. This is the first time I read a blog about Lotus Tower. It’s nice to read about how the lotus tower got evolved. When I learn about the Lotus Tower, I anxious to visit Colombo. Such a nice article. keep doing well.
Happy to know that my article gave you the first impression of Lotus Tower. As you said it’s really interesting to know how this Lotus Tower evolved from scratch. Thanks for your encouraging words :). Sure I will keep on writing.
Good job, It’s a very attractive blog to read. While I entered the Colombo city. The first thing I noticed is the lotus tower Because it’s a very high building. It’s a very proud feeling, most of the time I felt that. Your blog gave the real-time experience of Lotus tower.thanks for sharing this blog.
Thanks for your appreciating words :), You are right when we entered Colombo city, the first thing we noticed is Lotus Tower, Really it’s a pride for us Sri Lankans
Lotus Tower is the reflection of Sri Lanka’s symbolic landmark.Lotus tower is unique and beautiful. Your shared lots of interesting information about Lotus Tower. Thanks for sharing it.
Yeah, Lotus Tower is a unique and symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. Glad to know that you found my article interesting and informative at the same time 🙂
Hey Abirika,
Good Job, I read a lot of blogs related Lotus Tower, but you have written in a different way and found some extra knowledge from your blog, Thanks for your research and valuable info.
Happy to hear that my post provided you with more information about Lotus Tower. Thanks for your appreciation 🙂
Thanks a lot for this post. You have provided a huge amount of information about Lotus Tower. I am very excited visit Lotus Tower, Such a great post!
Thanks for your appreciating words. Happy to hear that the blog post provided lots of information about Lotus Tower. Hope your wish to visit the Lotus Tower come true soon.
I started to read the Post, it got really interesting and This article gives detailed information about the Lotus Tower I am excited to see Lotus Tower.
Really happy to hear that you found this post interesting to read. Glad the blog provided detailed information about Lotus Tower. Hope you get the chance to see the Lotus Tower really soon.
Do we need to take an entry ticket to visit the Lotus Tower?
As of now, The Lotus Tower is not open to the public. And yes, when it opens to the public, we’ll need to take an entry ticket to visit. There is an assumption that the entry ticket will be 5000 LKR but not sure about it. We need to wait and see. Really appreciate, if you leave your feedback about the blog post.