Prime One Global LLC Takes Home Reader’s Choice Award for Best Digital Marketing Agency 2015

We are pleased to announce that we are the winners of Promotion World’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2015.

With over 5500+ votes cast across myriad categories, The Reader’s Choice Awards are a flawless indicator of a company’s influence in its genre of excellence. We are grateful for being able to work in such a positive community, with like-minded employees and comforting clientele that have supported us in every hurdle we faced.

Kokul Krishnan, The new CEO of, said, “Another medal on our chest, a milestone in our journal that we have set our eyes on for the last five years, and many more years to come. It is such an honor to be nominated as the best Digital Marketing Agency of 2015. We have been in business since 2008, and since our inception, we have endeavored to create a company where the employees are eager to come to work and contribute enthusiastically. We are thankful to all our friends, family members, partners, stakeholders and clients for their unwavering support and loyalty towards Prime One Global. This success is just one of the many we aim to conquer under the shade of your love and guidance.”

This is not merely an award for us. It is the emblem of our drive to build a ground-breaking and ever-growing market of services in a highly competitive business environment. We will strive to improve ourselves over the coming years and deliver even better and realistic results for our clients. Results, which will boast of better returns on every dollar they choose to spend on Digital Marketing.

With new trends and technological advancements in the Marketing Industry, the likes of content marketing, retargeting, pay per click, mobile adoption, and video marketing all pacing ahead into 2016, the marketing landscape is ever-changing and it requires companies to rapidly evolve according to its dynamism. It is vital for all Marketing and Ad Agencies to embrace the change and stay update with best practices, hunt new opportunities and take calculated risks to stay ahead of the game. This cannot be simply achieved by looking for clients and dispersing services, but by being actively involved in the community through video outreach, guest speaking, blogging, seminars, webinars or teaching. Our ultimate motive in 2016 would be to become an even more active participant in the Marketing Community than last year.

Shan Dilan (Director of Operations) exclaimed, “A massive round of applause to all my colleagues, back-office staffs and Mr. Sharanyan for making this victory possible for us four years in a row. Yes! For all of you who are unaware or have joined our company recently, we have won Reader’s Choice Award of 2013, 2014, 2015 and this year, we have done it again! Thanks to all our clients and partners as your unbiased feedback and unfaltering support have helped us live up to our own expectations.”

Our devotion to quality and client satisfaction has led us to many awards winning moments, all of which have earned us high honors in the Digital Marketing Industry. As a fastest growing Digital Marketing Agency, We’ve won quite a few awards for accomplishments in entrepreneurship, search engine optimization, social media management, and web design. We have already set Reader’s Choice Award of 2016 in our future milestones because we know for sure, the best of us is yet to be seen.

The team at Prime One Global LLC would like to give a big thank you to everyone that voted for us in The Promotion Readers Choice Award. We are voted as the Internet’s favorite Digital Marketing Firm of 2015.

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7th Anniversary Invitation Letter

7th Anniversary Invitation Letter


Dear Colleagues,

September 17th, 2015 marks the date that Prime One Global will be celebrating seven triumphant years in the Digital Marketing Industry.

The last seven years have flown by, and it seems like only yesterday when I was walking down an old apartment corridor on a mission to rent a small, dusty room, which would later give birth to such a beautiful company.

Your Past Has given you the Strength and wisdom you have Today, So Celebrate it. Don’t Let it Haunt You.

I feel elated, very excited, my heart is content. Out of words to describe how far our company has come ever since its beginning in 2008. We have won many awards, reached uncountable milestones, and have backed the success of over 40,000+ successful digital marketing campaigns Worldwide to date. But, all this would have never been possible without our beloved Prime One Global family members, Friends, Partners, Clients, Stakeholders, and every other person who is associated with us.

Whilst we have had to bid goodbye to a few valued members of our team and friends, we have also acquired an army of nascent talent to help multiply our family this year. No matter how big our company becomes, we will forever be grateful to every person who has been a part of our company for even a short span of time. We are, what we are because of everyone who has had faith in our vision and trusted our company for their Digital Marketing requirements.

With a deep feeling of nostalgia, I am really excited to invite you all to our 7th Year Anniversary Celebrations of Prime One Global LLC.

Thanking You,

Sharanyan Sharma
Founder of Prime One Global LLC.

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Mobilegeddon – Guide To Survival On The Internet (Checklist)

The Webmasters Guide To Survival On The Internet Post #Mobilegeddon Era (21st April 2015)


If your business heavily relies on Mobile Traffic, it would be wise to act fast! The Clock is ticking.


———————————————————————STOP PROCRASTINATING!—————————-——————————————

If you are reading this blog right now, then chances are that you have a website(s) or you are responsible for the online presence of your company/client’s websites. Back in February, Google announced an upcoming update that will take the Internet by storm. This update will target websites that are not fit for mobile viewing – So if your website is not mobile-friendly (now is the time to take action). Here is all the information and resources that you might need to make your website “Google Quality Compliant,” when the clock ticks into 21st April 2015. Make it or you will break it! No puns intended.


  1. What is Mobilegeddon?
  2. Scope of the Update
  3. Why did Google Take This Move? (Trend Analysis)
  4. Estimating Your Present Mobile Traffic with GA
  5. How to Avoid Getting Bitten By Google Mice?
  6. Detailed Checklist of Things to do
  7. Print-ready Checklist
  8. Comprehensive List of Resources for Mobile-fixing
  9. Verdict


#1 What Is Mobilegeddon?

The trend of mobile surfing has seen such an upward slope since the past few years that come 2016 – 60% of people who will surf the internet, will do so from their mobile phones and other portable devices. If you are not aware of what I am talking about, then you can check your Google Analytics to see how much mobile traffic your website is experiencing. Even without looking at it, I can state that any website today will at least be getting 30% of its user base from people surfing through portable devices. And it is safe to conclude that if your website is not user-friendly, you may be losing out on tons of cashing opportunities.

Mobilegeddon – is an informal term coined by SearchEngineLand in March 2015, to spread awareness about the impending Google epidemic that’s going to hit the web in April. Through this update, Google is going to give more importance to websites that are mobile-friendly, which means better rankings for responsive and user-friendly websites.



On 21st April, Google will unleash the Algorithm which is going to scan each and every website on the web, and drop those websites from mobile SERPs if they are not “mobile-friendly.”

So what does mobile friendly actually mean?

In technical terms, “mobile friendly” demand websites to size their content to the viewport of a user and encompasses everything even remotely related to responsive designing. Speaking in layman’s terms – it basically means that if a user has to scale your website down to viewable size on mobile-devices (apparently because the desktop version of your website is opening on their mobile). Then your website is not “mobile friendly” or “mobile ready.”

Keeping up so far? Don’t be morose if you are not prepared for it. There are still a few days to go and you can work a solution these days!

#2 Scope of Mobilegeddon

This update is going to be Larger than PANDA!


ZinebAitBahajji – a renowned member of Google’s Webmaster Trends Team quoted at SMX Munich that this upcoming mobile-friendly update from Google is going to impact the search engine ranking of even more websites than what the Penguin and Panda have done in the past.

Ziteb's Tweet on her official Twitter profile!

Ziteb’s Tweet on her official Twitter profile!

Let me give you a clear view of this scene – if you are still confused.

[blockquote photo=”” author=”” company=”(Panda 4.0) SearchEngineJournal 21st May 2014″ link=”” target=”_blank”]The past 24 hours have been a wild time for those who either work in, or follow the field of SEO. Google confirmed the rollout of two major updates, one of which was Panda 4.0, an update projected to impact roughly 7.5% of english search queries.[/blockquote]

[blockquote photo=”” author=”” company=”(Penguin 3.0) SearchEngineLand 11th Dec 2014″ link=”″ target=”_blank”]“I believe that the indisputable truth about Google’s updates belongs to Google only, and for all that we know, Penguin 3.0 impacted less than 1% of the English language queries. However, as with anything related to SEO, we can only take what we have and work ourselves out of the dark.” [/blockquote]

As you may be aware off, Google has its very inconspicuous ways of shedding light on its upcoming Algorithms. But, from whatever information it has given out on the Webmaster’s blog, the Internet is brimming with speculations as to how the update will impact websites and what measures can be taken to avoid it.

We are still unclear about what other factors would Google be looking out for during this update, and it is impossible to claim how drastically these factors will be able to change the website’s search visibility. From what Zineb commented at SMX, we can safely conclude that most of the non-optimized websites will be taking a blow from the ‘Google Mice’ a.k.a Armageddon … oops Mobilegeddon.

#3 Why Did Google Make This Move? Trend Analysis. 

Statistics show that more than 60% of the searches performed on Google are now executed on mobile devices – so this only helps emphasize Google’s motive to take advantage of this traffic to ensure the best user experience for web surfers.

Let me explain the scenario better with the help of a few graphs. (Courtesy to for aggregating this data based on U.S. Demographics). This information is priceless.


Compared to digital time spent in 2010 – Look at the growth in mobile usage for Web surfing in just 4 years. Do you think this is going to ever seize?


The Smartphone Penetration Of Mobile Phone Market – Beautiful upward curve that needs no explanation!


In addition to the upcoming algo, Google has already started rolling out some ranking changes that are based on information collected from indexed applications of Signed-in users. Though this appears to be a small change, it will have a large impact on the way search results are displayed on Google. Businesses that are really catering well to their mobile users will have the best benefits from Google this time.


Gary Illyes


There was a short Q&A round with Gary Illyes (Google Webmaster), in which he revealed quite some information to break the ice, on what we can expect from Mobilegeddon.

  1. Responsive websites will not experience any major benefits in ranking.
  2. Googlebot must be able to crawl CSS and Java in order to pass the upcoming mobile-friendly test.
  3. Tablets and larger devices will not be affected by this update. Only mobiles and feature phones will.
  4. Google is presently working on making a dedicated mobile index – Crazy isn’t it?

#4 How to estimate your present mobile traffic? Google Analytics.


Screenshot of traffic distribution from Google Analytics

In order to understand how much traffic you could possibly lose from Mobilegeddon, it is important to understand how much organic mobile traffic are you actually getting?

If you do not know how to check your present Mobile traffic from Google, it’s fairly simple. All you have to do is log into your Google Analytics account:

  1. Click on Reporting on the Top Bar.
  2. Select Mobile under Audience in the Sidebar.
  3. Click on Overview.

Tada, you have all the mobile traffic information that you could possibly want.

So, once you are inside your Google Analytics, you can scrutinize the number of visitors that you are getting from mobile phones every month. Observe the image below, the upward shift in organic mobile visits is a clear signal of the increased use of mobile phones for surfing the web.


I am dealing with hundreds of websites every month, and 90% of this kind of upward slope is common for all these websites. This trend is so obvious, that I call in on some of my careless and lazy clients to observe their mobile trends and act accordingly in order to stay ahead of the competition all the time.

Why should you only optimize for mobile because of the oncoming Google update? Isn’t the whole idea already beneficial without having to take #mobilegeddon as a catalyst to fuel your interest?

So by studying the number of visitors your website is experiencing day after day, month after month – you can clearly estimate the number of visitors you may end up losing if your website is not effectively and timely optimized.

Here is a neat Case Study – Search Engine Land conducted on to explain the process of estimating Mobile Traffic for a website that you do not own.

Say hello to “Mobile-friendly” Tags

If you haven’t noticed this before, take out your smartphones and type any keyword into Google. You will notice that most of the first page entries have a “Mobile-Friendly” tag attached to them.

Just for the fun of it, I performed a quick search on Google with my Mi4 (Awesome Phone – !@$%Missing affiliate link). The keyword I selected is “Music Quotes” and here is a partial print-screen of the results.


Now you may notice that the first 2 results have a Mobile-friendly Tag, but the 3rd and 4th results don’t have a “Mobile-friendly tag.” Come 21st April, 2015 – I can say that these websites are going to be in trouble because they have not been optimized for mobile usability. (You can also keep it as a test and check on these websites when the day comes)

Write down the keyword – “music quotes”

Website No1 in trouble –

Website No2 in trouble –

Or do this experiment with a number of websites selecting a keyword from your industry.

Now, I am not saying that the first 2 websites are completely safe and prepared to face the upcoming update. But they may as well be in trouble for their other pages – You never know.

What you can do is, perform a few Google searches which your website is already ranking for and check if your website is getting the “Mobile Friendly Tag.”

Don’t just check your homepage, search “keywords” that display your Inner pages in the SERPs and see if you are still getting the “Mobile Friendly Tag.”

Perform the same check for your competitors and see if their pages are getting the “Mobile Friendly Tag.”

If they are and you are not, then you better buckle up your seat belts as they will get a massive advantage over you after 21st April, which they will enjoy for quite a long period of time. And if it’s the case vice versa, then Congratulations! You are prepared for the post #mobilemadness days.

Don’t just stop after you see the “Mobile Friendly Tag” for your website in the Google SERPs.  This detailed guide will give you a clear view edge over your competition for many more days to come. There is lots of work to be done and there are only a few days – so keep reading!

#5 How Can You Avoid Getting Bitten By Google Mice This Time?

Before we jump into the Checklist of how to make your website mobile friendly, it is wise to brush along the sides of the subject (just the way Google like’s it).

  1. Allow Googlebot to access the JavaScript, CSS and Images files of your website.
  2. Don’t use any kind of unplayable content – Especially Flash.
  3. Avoid Faulty Re-directs. This can happen when you inappropriately redirect your desktop URLs to Mobile URLs.
  4. Don’t harass users by blocking them from viewing content with too many intrusive download links and messages or advertisements.
  5. Avoid cross-linking blunders. This can happen if you have multiple versions of the website and you redirect users to the wrong mirror page.
  6. Enhance your mobile site speed with Google PageSpeed Insights.

 This is just the way Google likes it. Now head over to my all encompassing Checklist of To-Do things to dodge the April 21st Update and prepare your online business for the future.

 #6 Checklist for Mobile Friendly Website (~Avoid Google Nerf)

Mobilegeddon Checklist 2015

With Mobilegeddon on the loop, and not many days for it set the Internet crazy – Here is my detailed checklist of things that you must take into consideration if you are a website owner or are responsible for the good health of your organization’s website.

Look at the image above, this is a screenshot from the Google Analytics of Prime One Global. You can clearly see that we receive a steady inflow of footfalls through organic mobile search. Now, if we were to ignore this figure and not bother about mobile optimization before the 21st of April – you could call us sheer foolish (but, thankfully it is not the case as we are already up and ready, and we help others optimize their websites too).

You can be a designer, developer or another SEO company, or even someone managing a website, and this detailed checklist will help you with making your website mobile friendly. So even if you are in the website development phase or are planning to design one in the future – you can use this checklist to make your website Mobilegeddon safe.


With all the #mobilemadness #mobilegeddon hype on the web, it is easy to get swayed and puzzled about what you should do to make your mobile, website friendly, err… website – mobile friendly before the 21st of April. Before you even jump into the nitty-gritty of mobile optimization it would be wise to check if your website is already “As mobile friendly as Google wants it to be.”

Check the individual pages of your website with Google’s Mobile Friendly Test Tool, which will help you with detailed information regarding optimizing your website. And if most of the pages of your website are passing the test without a twitch, you can be rest assured that nothing too dramatic is going to happen to your online presence after the onset of 21st April 2015.

With this said and done, you can also read what the search giant has to say about mobile optimization in their Webmaster’s blog. There is another useful read which Google published back in November last year about helping users find Mobile friendly websites.


If you are reading this checklist, then most probably you did not pass the Google Mobile Friendly Test or you are just hunting for more information. Planning to optimize your website for mobile can call in for an enormous investment, especially because the algorithm in question is going to do a full-site scan and not just a site-wide scan. Even if you are ready to go all-in on mobile optimization it is crucial to determine the amount of investment you need to make – both in terms of money and resources. Don’t rush to a conclusion – Plan your moves and execute them one by one, to reap the best benefits in the long run.

It’s important to understand how much organic traffic you are presently experiencing from search engines. If you haven’t done this yet, now would be the ideal time to log into your Google Analytics (I hope you have integrated your website(s) with GA) and determine whether there has been an upward shift in the amount of traffic you have been receiving in the past few months. If you notice that your business is receiving less than 10% traffic through mobile devices, it could mean one of the following things:

  1. Your website has poor SEO, which is resulting in poor organic traffic.


     2. Your website has poor Mobile Optimization and that is why it’s receiving less traffic.


     3. your business model doesn’t call for mobile viewers (9  out of 10 times this will not be the case)

Now if you are already experiencing very little traffic from mobile, I would suggest taking the slower route for this process as you may have more time than you really think.


Let’s say, 30-50% of your organic traffic is from mobile phones, it calls for a faster and effective mobile strategy implementation.

How do you determine what amount of money and resources to invest?

The safest bet would be to allocate the same amount of money and resources that are available to you, to equal the share of mobile to desktop traffic that your website has been experiencing over the past few months.



Even though Google introduced the App indexing feature to display applications in search results back in October 2013, it’s still a powerful way of enhancing the overall user experience of your brand.

It is not rocket science, we know that Google is driving these updates with a strict motive to give users the best search experience possible – Thus, if your business model can support an App for the users, it would be one of the best times to plan this out.

You may be wondering how on earth will you plan and execute an App development campaign before the 21st of April. Well, you don’t need to hurry about this; you can take your time and scale this into one of your marketing projects for the future.

Obviously, everything boils down to your capacity to invest/allocate (money and resources) at the moment, but again – you can keep this in mind for the future.


There are rumors that Google loves Responsive designs more than Dynamic URL Segmentation or Parallel URLs, but this is completely untrue. I have run quite a few tests in the past weeks, especially after Google’s  Feb 4th Update, and I can assure you that if your website is mobile-friendly there is nothing to worry about.

If you are unaware of which configuration option you should select for your website, then here is a description for a clear view:

  1. Responsive Design: This configuration serves the same content to desktop, mobile, and tablets by using CSS3 elements. So, the contents of your website will automatically resize for perfect display according to the device it is being viewed on. This configuration is the best because there is no duplication of content and there is no need to handle multiple mirrors of the same content. You just have to manage one single website. The only disadvantage of this configuration is that you cannot segregate Mobile only content nor have different content for different platforms.
  2. Dynamic / Adaptive Design: This option is almost the same as responsive design as you will be working on a single URL but, different HTML and CSS codes will be presented to users depending on the device they are viewing your website from. The only con of this configuration is that you will have to re-write the code of your website every time a new mobile device is released.
  3. Parallel URL Websites: Even though this is one of the most strenuous of all the options available, it still has its perks for those websites which need to laser focus on the mobile experience of their visitors. Opting for a Parallel URL website is like having a separate subdomain for example ( or Its cons include having to manage the mirror image of your website and dealing with duplicate content etc. Every time your website is updated, the changes have to be reflected in the other domain as well.


It is not an unknown fact that most of the searches that are performed on the move are done via mobile phones and other hybrid devices. According to research, more than 80% of the searches performed on mobile are with local intent.

This means that people are most often looking for local addresses, telephone numbers, stock availability, and other business-related information via mobile phone. With this in mind, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do customers come to my shop or office?
  2. Do I have a helpline to deal with customer inquiries?
  3. Do I sell goods and services that have the tendency to out-stock?

The answer to all these questions will mostly be a yes, and thus it may be a crucial business booster if you can place your Contact and Stock Information like (Map, Address, Contact Numbers, Email Id, etc) before the other information on your website, it will greatly boost conversions of your mobile site.


Before you jumpstart your mobile optimizing or website development journey, it is crucial to have a simple mockup of what you would like your website to look like in the end. You can use different mockup creation tools like Adobe In-design, Photoshop, etc., but just don’t trade the comfort of your users for elements that make your website too heavy to load or don’t appear properly on all devices.

Also take into consideration that some of the aspects of your desktop website will be difficult to convert to a mobile version, for example, the navigation menus or mouse hover menu reveals. These features never adapt to mobile websites, so you must look for better alternatives. Now let’s take a detailed look at the creation of your mobile website wire-frame.

i. Development: Remember to put the meta viewport tag on top of all your pages. If you took time out with the Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool, then you must have already fixed this up.

ii. Readable Fonts: Is your content legible for mobile viewing? If viewers have to constantly pinch the screen to change the size of your font, this does come as an obstruction in fluid visibility. Google recommends 16 CSS pixels and a line height of 1.2em.

iii. Distance Between Touch Elements: Ensure that all touch elements of your website have a considerable gap between them, or users may end up clicking the wrong button. This is the primary cause of increased bounce rates, low sales, and possible frustration or agitation among mobile surfers. Make sure that your Call-to-action button is clearly visible and accessible on all devices. You can also check if Google has picked any element of your website for being inaccessible in the Mobile Usability section of GWT.


Even though this one is obvious, it wouldn’t hurt to have it in the checklist. Mobile surfers are used to vertical scrolling to view hidden aspects of a website, but if users have to scroll horizontally to read between the different sections of your website, then it may cause problems in user experience as they will mostly have to pinch the screen to resize it for a complete view.

This problem is also easily traceable through the Google Webmasters Tool.

NOTE: You can avoid getting this error in GWT by using relative width and position values in the CSS and also making sure your images are scaled properly.


Again, this is a no-brainer.  The user’s type of device and data connectivity also plays an important part in the mobile surfing experience. Even though the world is blessed with 4G connectivity, more than 60% of people who are surfing the internet, do so through 3G connections. You wouldn’t want to properly optimize your website in all aspects and then lose out on precious leads or sales because your website was not able to load completely on slower devices, would you? There are variable controls that can be tweaked to achieve the best results but the first thing you should do is to head over to Google Page Speed Insights Tool to see what Google says about your website load time.

NOTE: You can do things like compressing images, minifying codes, and leveraging browser codes to enhance the load speed of your website(s).


If you are using any flash elements on your website, now would be the time to get them removed. HTML5 is one of the best alternatives to flash elements on a website. We say that flash is not good for the mobile experience because Flash is not readily available on all mobile devices. Due to this, it may cause an erroneous mobile viewing experience for your users.

And the first thing that Googlebot will check when it crawls your website is for blocked CSS, JavaScript, or images. If it finds that any of these elements are blocked from crawling, then it will mark your website as “not-mobile-friendly.”


This is one of the most overlooked factors when it comes to mobile optimization and I have personally seen a 30% growth in opt-ins and leads from mobile visitors, when websites optimized their forms do display the right keypads. Check out your existing forms and see what the users will have to fill in separate fields. Check if the respective fields are displaying a relevant keypad. Having a ‘number keypad’ displayed in the contact number field and an ‘email-keypad’ displayed in the email form field will greatly enhance the mobile experience or your viewers and is worth tweaking.


My dad is not aware of how to copy and paste things on mobile phones and so are the majority of the people in this world. You must take this into consideration when optimizing your website for mobile because having to copy the number and paste it in the dialer or even write it down on a piece of paper makes the whole process cumbersome and messy. Sometimes, it may even result in people leaving your website without contacting you. Ensuring that clicking on your contact number opens the dialer app will get you those visitors who might be stuck on the fence just because they are unable to call you without leaving the screen or memorizing your number just to forget the last few digits when they are frantically typing into the dialer pad. Think about it.


During the development phase of your website, it might be a good idea to constantly see how well it is performing on variable devices. This can be done through various emulators available online or you can manually do it on various devices (Borrow from your colleagues or family members).

Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, both have this nice ‘Inspect Element’ feature that lets you view your devices as seen by other devices – This is a very handy feature that I sometimes overuse.

Alternatively, you can also hire a bunch of testers or even organize an in-house event where the members are asked to surf your website in various mobile devices and give their inputs after 10-15 minutes of wading through your pages.

After the demo run, you can the testers to pen their individual feedback and collate them later on to pick up bits and pieces that need enhancing. Sometimes, it is just better to have someone else analyze your website because they will only think from a user’s perspective and tell you very obvious things that you may overlook, just because your brain is clustered with lots of plans and ideas.

Ending Note 

This is my all-encompassing checklist of website mobile optimization. I have helped a lot of my clients cope up with their mobile optimization needs, so if you need any help you can always ask for assistance on the Facebook Page or even in the comment section below. If you have any questions or want me to add something to this checklist, again, the comment section is a few blocks away.

 #7 Print Ready Extreme Checklist for MobilegeddonHandy-Mobile-Optimization-Checklist

Here is the download link to the print-ready version of this checklist for your convenience. Don’t forget to pin this checklist if you found it useful.


#8 List Of Useful Links And Resources Related To Mobilegeddon!

  1. Google Algorithm Database – List of all Algorithms updated will date.
  2. Google App Indexing Service – Want to get your app featured in SERPS? This is the door.
  3. Google Mobile Friendly Website Guidelines – Self Explanatory
  4. Google Mobile Friendly Test Tool – Check if your individual pages are mobile friendly.
  5. Google Mobile Usability Report – Get instant reports on mobile usability issues.
  6. Google Webmaster’s Help Forum – Ask Google for help!

Here is a list of Big G’s Guidelines for optimizing various leading CMS or similar platforms:

  1. WordPress
  2. Joomla!
  3. Drupal
  4. Blogger
  5. vBulletin
  6. Tumblr
  7. DataLife Engine
  8. Magento
  9. Prestashop
  10. Bitrix
  11. Google Sites

Here is a list of guides that can be used to change your not-so-responsive website into a “Responsive website.”

  1. Design a Skeleton Website
  2. Bootstrap Website Downloads : CSS/Java/Fonts + Source Code Rails/Compass/Sass
  3. Responsive Grid System Website Toolkit
  4. Advanced Responsive Website Designing Tutorial – Advanced HTML and CSS.

Extra Resources:

  1. List of different options for mobile navigation menus.
  2. Mashable’s list of top online wireframing tools.


In the end, it depends on what your website is focused on and what business models you are following. There are a few things however that need no excuse not to be followed and doing the basic mobile optimization checks is one of them – After all, who doesn’t like an extra influx of visitors from mobile phones.

Unless you are from the underworld, in which case you will be using the .htaccess file – a few people will get what I mean and #5MinutesOfSilence for the people who don’t. Haha.

My apologies for such a lengthy post, but again I love to keep all the information in a single file so that you don’t have to run around from blog to blog, hunting for more information. If you like what I write or if you have any suggestions or need help regarding Mobile Website Optimization, you can also shoot a comment below or contact me at our official Facebook page and I will get back to you at the earliest. Hope you found this Guide helpful. Have a Good day! 
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15 Interesting Facts About Facebook You Need to Know

Facebook has attained the coveted dominant position that makes it the most popular and indispensable part of not only our social networking but also our business. It has become a rage since its inception in 2004. Nowadays, if you are not on Facebook, you are probably non-existent in the virtual world.

” 654 million people use Facebook on mobile on a daily basis, an increase from 609 million last quarter. “

If you are using this social media giant for your business, here are some interesting Facebook facts that will help you know and use it in a far better way. Facebook did have a humble beginning, and its dramatic rise is not without some downsides. There are facts that state Facebook’s negative effect on its users. However, the compelling effect of Facebook on social networking is more powerful than its flipside making it the first choice to socialize as well as market one’s business online.


#1.  Are you aware of the Huge User Base of Facebook?

Facebook now has close to 350 million active users, with approximately 35 of these updating their status every day. 63% of users log on to Facebook daily. A majority of this access the network from their smartphones.

Statistics reveal that users log in close to 14 times during a day from their mobiles. On average, a user has 130 friends and sends 8 friend requests every month. Statistics reveal that there is approximately a 3.74 degree of separation between any two Facebook users.

Every minute around 2.5 million photos are being uploaded onto Facebook and close to 4.5 billion ‘likes’ are being generated on a daily basis as of May 2013, equating to 1.8 million ‘likes’ every minute. Every second five new profiles are being created on Facebook.

#2.  Are There Fake Accounts? Yes, at least 83 Million Fake Accounts

Yes, there are facebook fake accounts. About 8.7% of users on Facebook are fake profiles and the total of fake profiles reaches 83 million. Surprisingly, there are even accounts of dead people, accounting for close to 30 million! Also, do you know that approximately 600,000 attempts to hack Facebook accounts are made every day?

#3.  What Is The Best Time To Reach An Extended Audience?

The maximum traffic on Facebook happens around 1 pm to 3 pm midweek, with Thursdays and Fridays having 18% higher engagements compared to other days of the week. Also, the common age group is from 25 to 34 years, making up 29.7% of the overall users. Gender-wise, Facebook is equally popular and frequented by both genders, with 53% users being females and 47% being males. 50% of youngsters of the age bracket 18 to 24 years usually log on to Facebook first thing after waking up. Women aged 55 years and older are currently the fastest-growing demographics of Facebook users in the US. You can use these facts to focus on more aggressive marketing strategies during these peak traffic hours and for specific demographics too.

#4.  Want More Data to Judge Facebook’s Growing Popularity?

If the above facts and figures are not enough proof of Facebook’s ever-growing popularity, then the following ones should seal the deal.

    • There are more Facebook users in the US compared to the number of citizens who voted in the last US elections.
    • In Australia, a court notice can be served to defendants on Facebook, and summons posted on Facebook are considered legally binding.

All these figures point to the fact that Facebook has become an inevitable part of our everyday lives and cannot be ignored by businesses trying to establish a footing in the now popular social media domain. Hence we can indeed make a good profit if we can use this site effectively!

#5.  Is Facebook A Boon for Businesses? How Can You Make Profit Using It?

Doing business on Facebook has never been so lucrative. There are about 1.35 million active Facebook users worldwide of which 864 million users logging in daily, thus indicating an increase of 14% over the last year. In Europe alone there are 223 million people who have accounts on Facebook. Interestingly, if Facebook was a country, it would be the fifth-largest, after China, India, the US, and Indonesia. All these figures establish the fact that there is a large active target audience on Facebook. And most of this audience is a consistent audience to various marketing efforts of marketers. Also, as Facebook has a worldwide reach you can catch the attention of not just the US, but reach out globally.

#6.  How Facebook Helps Marketer? Can It Be Termed As A Marketing Heaven?

There are close to 30 million businesses that have a Facebook Page. Close to 1.5 million businesses are now paying for advertising on Facebook. Most of these businesses are paying 122% more per ad unit than they did last year. The sales are impressive – if last quarter’s figures are considered – users purchased goods worth $234 million dollars! Close to 42% of marketers suggest that Facebook is vital and indispensable to their business. However, to make the best use of this site and get maximum profit, you need to market your business in a positive manner and stand out among your competitors. As of May 2013, almost 16 million pages of local businesses have been created as compared to 8 million created in June 2012, indicating a 100% increase. These figures are proof that companies are acknowledging the fact that Facebook users comprise a major chunk of their clients and are thus willing to advertise, as well as create interesting pages to be seen.

#7.  Making Use of Facebook’s Tracking Data in Reaching out to Your Audience

Facebook keeps a track of the sites we visited even after we have logged out. This tracking assists businesses to indulge in intelligent marketing, but only when they get access to the information. Pages will display advertisements in accordance with the type of pages or sites visited by individual users, and thus will help you reaching the interested audience faster.

#8.  Facebook is a Platform to Know and Understand People

Facebook has now become a sort of people search engine and is often used to know people, their likes and dislikes, opinions, etc. Data reveals that people search one billion times in a day on Facebook. This has made Facebook the overall second-ranked site in the US, after Google. A survey of 500 colleges revealed that Facebook accounts were visited by 10% of admission officers to evaluate the applicants seeking admissions. About 38% of these officers acknowledged that what they saw on Facebook affected the applicant’s admission negatively. Even job seekers and prospective marriage suitors are evaluated on Facebook. The police department as well as citizens are resorting to Facebook to nab suspected criminals.

#9.  Facebook’s Role in Helping Businesses to Grow

Facebook and social media craze has also given rise to different types of professionals. There are a lot of consultants who guide businesses on how to tap the market on Facebook, how to launch campaigns on social media networks, and how to advertise. Also, programmers and developers are benefiting from this rage. The number of developers building applications for Facebook is close to 800,000.

#10.  History of Facebook: The Beginning

Are you aware that Facebook had humble beginnings? Mark Zuckerberg, its founder, created Facemash in 2003, where photos of undergraduates were placed beside each other, and visitors to the site could rank which student they found “hotter”. Facemash eventually turned into the now universally known Facebook in 2005. In the beginning, Facebook was like a directory of sorts linking all students, faculty alumni, and staff at various colleges and universities through social networks. Initially, Facebook was limited to only Harvard university students but later on added other colleges and universities. Within 6 months of its launch, Facebook had around 200 colleges registered as users. Mark Zuckerberg went on to become the youngest billionaire at the age of 25 with a net worth of $1.5 million. As an aside, if you ever wondered why Facebook is blue, it is because its founder Mark Zuckerberg suffers from color blindness and cannot distinguish between red and green. Another intriguing piece of historical information was that twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss had hired Mark Zuckerberg to program their site ConnectU or Harvard Connect but claimed that he stole their idea. There was a lawsuit that was settled for an undisclosed amount. Mark Zuckerberg’s fellow students such as Aaron Greenspan also made similar claims of having invented Facebook.

#11.  The Facebook to Facebook and Its Role in Ads

By the way, do you know that Facebook was first called Facebook ( Right from the beginning, Facebook or Facebook had its media plan chalked out. Eduardo Saverin, Facebook’s CFO, back in 2004, approached advertisers to run standard IAB ads emphasizing the personal data they could access and target audiences by their universities, political inclination, or even dorms or their sexual orientation. Even though at its nascent stage, Eduardo Saverin quoted $80,000 for advertising through Facebook.

Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, was the first person to invest in Facebook in June 2004 and invested $500,000 dollars. Li Hu Shing, East Asia’s richest man, invested in 2005 in Facebook around $120 million dollars. Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian investment firm, in May 2009, invested $200 million for a 1.96% stake in the Facebook website. By September 2009, Facebook was making a profit, with Mark Zuckerberg announcing that for the first time Facebook had a positive cash flow and made more money than it spent.

#12.  The Facebook-Myspace Affair

In 2005, MySpace, another popular social network site, sent an offer to buy Facebook but when Mark Zuckerberg quoted a price of US $75 million they rejected the offer thinking it to be too expensive. The tables have turned since then and Facebook not only outnumbered the traffic on MySpace but also American users spend 13.9 billion minutes on Facebook in a year compared to 5 billion minutes on MySpace. Facebook spends approximately US $30 million in a month to just host the site and loses about US $25,000 every minute when the site is down.

One of Facebook’s many quirky facets is that the language can be changed to ‘pirate’ too. Another interesting Facebook fact is that the “like’ button was originally going to be called ‘Awesome’. In 2009, the New Oxford Dictionary declared “unfriend” to be the word of the year and defined it as “to remove someone as a friend on a social networking site”.Even though Facebook boasts of being a gold mine for investors and advertisers, it has had negative impacts on users too.

#13.  What are the Negative Effects of Facebook?

However, this social networking giant has its negative too.  It has led to many negative consequences. For example, people have been murdered after they ‘unfriended’ someone on Facebook. Cases of depression too, with 1 in 3 users feeling low and unsatisfied with their lives post visiting Facebook were in the news. Girls have been predisposed to depression and anxiety by chatting too much with their Facebook friends. Frequently talking about the same problems is called ‘co-rumination and can lead to a serious obsession, which is not healthy. Of the divorces filed in the US in 2011, around a third of them had the word Facebook mentioned.

Facebook has become such an addiction that a man hired a woman to slap him every time he logged onto Facebook. Another bizarre incident is that of a woman in Britain who created fake profiles and sent abusive messages to herself. She was sent to jail for 20 months. In England and Wales, the head of the Catholic Church warned patrons that children could be vulnerable to committing suicide because of Facebook and MySpace, as these sites barbarize community life and encourage fleeting relationships among teens. Facebook also has eating disorder groups named “Get thin or die trying” and “What nourishes me destroys me”, which encourage starving, and since the majority of users are teenagers and young adults such groups influence them negatively.

#14.  Are You Aware Of Issues Like Banning and Misuse?

Since 2009, Facebook along with Twitter and The New York Times have been blocked in China due to its negative influence. The site has also been banned by Syria, Iran, and Vietnam.

The sharing of information, including personal details, on Facebook has been a bane, too. This information has been used without permission by various miscreants. The director of public policy of Facebook, Tim Sparapani, complained that millions of users shared information online without stopping to think about the consequences. Facebook itself is to be blamed for this at some point, as the information assumed to be public (like profile name, display pictures, cities) is available to any Facebook user or to their friends who use any Facebook application. Also in 2009, Facebook’s controversial advertisement system, Beacon that gave out user’s shopping activity information to other sites, was part of a lawsuit. The settlement resulted in Facebook paying $9.5 million towards a settlement fund.

There are also several absurd cases where Facebook has been misused. Lauren Michaels, a 23-year-old woman, in 2008, created a group on Facebook titled “I need sex” and slept with about 50 of the 100-plus members. Since then her page has been removed. An EMT in 2009 took a picture of at the crime scene of a dead New York woman who had been beaten and strangled to death and posted the picture on Facebook. He later faced arrest on charges of official misconduct and was removed from his job. Such facts and cases warn us to use Facebook wisely. It is not its popularity, but the consequences of this popularity that are rather frightening.

#15.  Facebook becomes one of the most powerful Marketing Platform

If you evaluate properly the ratio of active users of Facebook to any other social media, you can notice the big difference! Here are some tips that can help you to better market your business on Facebook:

    • Try to find out if you are marketing at the right time- that is during peak hours!
    • You are targeting the right demographic
    • You are consistent in engaging people and keeping them updated about your business

We are sure you will get better results following the above simple tips. We would appreciate your next query on better marketing on Facebook to get the maximum profit!

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Google Page Rank Is No More! Which Metric Is Next In Google’s Vision?

One of the most important ranking factors has been Google Page Rank, a number assigned to each Web page as per its robustness in terms of quality as well as the number of incoming links. It is a link analysis algorithm that rates a page on a scale of 0-10, of which 10 means the highest rank. Usually, Google shows this number in its browser toolbar after which several SEO tools began utilizing it as a relevant measure to assess the Google Juice of a page.

What happened after the advent of PageRank?

The increasing importance of Google page rank triggered almost an obsession amongst a majority of Webmasters and SEO experts. This resulted in black practices such as selling links and demanding more money for getting links from a blog or site having a higher Page Rank (PR). Obviously, this is something that Google never supports. Further, because of time gap between the two updates,  there is also a mismatch between the Google generated and the publicly available PR.

The final outcome…

google pagerannkTraditionally, Google updated the much-heralded page rank algorithm approximately after every three months. However, since the beginning of 2013, there has been no update. While PR is one of the more reliable metrics for evaluating the site’s quality when in service, it now seems to have taken a permanent retreat.

Since 2009, the support for PR has been dropped, starting with the withdrawal from the Webmaster Tools. Google has never introduced its own toolbar or add-on for Chrome to show PR values. In 2011, it took back the support from Firefox; while Internet Explorer was the last browser to continue with the Google’s PR display.

The PR update happened in December 2012 but was not completely intentional. According to Google, the team was fixing a back-end service along with which a PR update occurred. The data flowing into the toolbar has not seen any update even in 2013.

The absence of any update in 2013 made many experts to believe that there might be some problem in the algorithm. Well, there was no problem with the algorithm. To this, the search spam head of Google Matt Cutts said, “The ‘pipeline’ to send rank updates to the toolbar is broken,” which indicates that the PR in the bar will not update automatically.”

He further explained that the team knew about the ‘no update’ decision in the Google Toolbar and that there is a good reason behind it. According to Google, several people obsess over this metric even though it is not a vital one anymore, due to which it is not a priority to fix it. This indicates that the PageRank meter, formerly designed to assist the visitors judge the quality of a Web page, now has data that is obsolete. Recently, Google’s John Mueller conveyed in a Google+ hangout video that Google would perhaps not update the Google Toolbar Page Rank anytime in future.

But Google might not remove forever

Yes! You heard it right. In early 2013, Google asserted that PR in the toolbar would not be going away as long as the users continue to use it. Cutts clarified that the consumers still consider PR as a useful metric. This is perhaps because anyone still having the toolbar obviously sends back the data to Google about what they are viewing, which persuades Google to retain the value for that particular page for further assessment. This means the last saved page rank values, although not latest because they are not updated, will be still in use by Google for allotting the position of Web pages on the search result pages.

Stop being obsessed about PR because…

Seriously speaking, PR is just a temporary influencer in fulfilling the objectives such as attract more readers, make more money, and have more leads. Considering PR as a success metric works only if one assumes that a higher PR is essential for better ranking, driving more traffic, and having more leads. Only those who believe this would consider giving importance to the page rank metric. However, Google does not believe in this assumption, which is evident in its ‘no update’ approach since more than two years.

One must remember that although the page rank is not updated, the SEO value of sites engaged in black or spammy practices are bound to go down; all thanks to the regular Penguin updates. So, why give importance to a page rank value when you can directly measure with the latest metrics that Penguin focuses on?

Still not convinced? Here are top 5 reasons why PR should not be a focal metric:
  • Discrepancy between the displayed and generated rank
  • No correlation with organic SEO ranking, as sites with 0 PR has considerable traffic for competitive search terms
  • Irrelevant for social media results and real time search, for example, real time news and status updates having a PR 0 are shown up quickly in the search results
  • Not a result-inclined metric because PR is not associated with any real results or with stuff that links directly to other Google-liked metrics
  • Held insignificant by Google
So, What’s next in the metric list

Well, right now, it is hard to say what Google shall give importance to in its metric list. However, it is easy for a Webmaster to find the metrics directly related to meaningful gains or business goals for the site instead of just focusing on the page rank, says Susan Moskwa who is Webmaster Trends Analyst.

Moreover, it is worth considering metrics that are updated at fixed intervals instead of only a few times a year, as the latter is too gradual to know about the changes reliably. Susan suggests focusing on conversion rate, bounce rate, and clickthrough rate (CTR) through services such as Webmaster Tools or Google Analytics, which are the more critical metrics than page rank.

So, don’t you think it is time to leave behind the page rank metric?

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The Ultimate Website Redesign Checklist 2014

The key to survival in today’s crushing eCommerce environment is to outpace the competition by being adaptable to sticky situations. This is only possible by having a farsighted approach for readily accepting changes that may seem insignificant at first glance, but are beneficial for the long run of your business.

With every passing day, thousands of new websites are born on the internet; behind these websites are those companies who are waging an endless war to outdo each other. To be able to dominate online is the ultimo-motive of most eCommerce businesses and to do this they need to have adaptability. Every once in a while it is a good idea to re-design and give your website a new look so that it is always unique to look at and offers something more to new and returning customers. There are quite a few steps to be followed when getting involved in website re-designing, however, if these steps are poorly executed there is a high chance that your initiative will do more harm than good for your website.This is the digital age, an age where your website is the most critical marketing tool at your disposal. It is very important to look after the needs of your website in a manner that is beneficial for your business.

To do this, it’s essential to identify that redesigning is not all about the aesthetic appeal of your website. While such adjustments may seem the most significant, a beautifully designed website will lose its purpose if the pages are not well optimized. The chief motive should never be forgotten – the idea to attract and retain customers, enhance the user experience while they browse through the web pages and last and foremost, to give them something in return for their actions.The goals which we outline in the Extreme Checklist of Website Re-design 2014 will affect the behavior of your visitors during their stay at your website.

By the time you are done with this checklist, you will know the following: 

  • Does your website need a re-design?
  • What is the plan of action if your website needs re-designing?

#1 – Measure Your Ground

Before making any initial decisions or defining goals, it is always a good idea to measure the current standings of your website. Best option here would be to analyze the performance of your website over the past few years, by determining:

  1. Number of repeat / unique visitors
  2. Bounce rate of visitors
  3. Average / Total time spent on the website
  4. Current standing of unique keywords in Google
  5. Domain authority
  6. Number of unique leads / new form submissions
  7. Total / Average sales generated over the period

If obtaining this information seems like a difficult task for you, we recommend using Google Analytics, to track these changes and statistics to retrieve the past and current performance of your website.

#2 – Define Your Goals and Objectives

After collecting all the necessary data about the past performance of your website, it is time to draw the line and mark milestones which will be your ultimate aim. By defining these goals, not only will it help to consolidate your efforts, but it will help you in determining whether you really need to redesign your website.

Facts such as “The current website looks drab” or “Because they are doing it” are not a powerful fuel for driving such major endeavors. To recap, redesigning is not about how visually appealing your website is, but more so, about how it functions.

 Here is a check-list of general ideas to define as your rock solid goals:

  1. Increase traffic to your website
  2. Increasing traffic from specific sources / driving targeted traffic
  3. Increasing Conversion Rate
  4. Decreasing Bounce Rate
  5. Increasing / Decreasing Click-through-rate
  6. Increasing Domain authority
  7. Increase the number of new leads / form submissions
  8. Increasing rank of your competitive keywords

It is vital to spend considerable time in chalking out these goals as they will determine the course of action you will be taking in near the future for increasing your website’s performance. From this step, there is no looking back; the only place you stop for breath is when you reach the end of this checklist.

#3 – Circumvent Dangers by Safeguarding Assets

 With your objectives / goals defined, it is time to check your inventory and protect your assets before revamping your website. Considering the fact that your website has been running for quite a long time, it is likely that you have assimilated quite a few assets which you would definitely like to safeguard before moving forward.Website assets may include things like:

  • Noteworthy or High Performing Content
  • Current Keyword Rankings
  • Inbound Links and
  • Conversion Tools

To initiate this process, start by conducting and in-depth audit of your website and interlinked pages and create a record of the most valuable of your assets. The following checklist will enable smooth-run of this process:

  • Total number of pages in your website
  • Which pages are most significant?
  • Number of Inbound Links to your website
  • Sources of these Inbound Links
  • Which Inbound Links are most significant?
  • Current ranking of your unique keywords
  • Which Keywords are the most effective?
  •  Your most shared content / viewed content

 It is mandatory to complete this step to maintain the firm ground your business presently stands on. Losing such valuable assets will negatively affect your website redesign, it will be more like building your website from scratch and deleting all the progress you have made so far.

#4 – Scrutinize Your competition

The best way to beat the heat is to outpace the competition in the areas that they are adept at. We highly recommend using our  Prime One Global Analyzer to analyze your competition. The tool will tell you how you fare as compared to your competitors. Run the Prime One Global Website Analyzer to get the current standing of your website and this will help you develop an idea about their strengths and weaknesses. Look around their website and make note of things that are praiseworthy and things that could be bettered. This information is not for cloning on your website, but for understanding how the same things can be implemented on your site in a superior manner and learning from their mistakes.

After your analysis is complete, make a list of things that you would like to do for your website and things that could be implemented differently for higher performance.

#5 – Create a Blueprint and Customize Your Homepage 

Homepage is the area of your website which will be receiving the most traffic, thus, it is essential to customize your homepage in a manner that makes it an ‘attention-magnet.’ Choosing to not optimize your homepage can be a grievous mistake as this page forms the first bonding between your website and a potential customer. An average visitor scans a website for 3 seconds before he decides to prolong his stay at the website or chooses to hit the ‘x’ button. It is crucial to optimize the visitors’ experience in such a way that is not only attractive but also retaining, so that he always chooses the former option.

The mistake most entrepreneurs make today is by stuffing too much information on the first page of their website. People do not want to be sprayed by information when they land on your website. There are specific areas for everything, and they will eventually go to such areas if you can hold their attention long enough.

The key idea behind a successful homepage is Clarity and Simplicity. If the design looks neat and the homepage is welcoming, there is no way the visitor is running away any time soon. Considerable time should also be spent into optimizing the keywords for your homepage so that it is easily reachable.

Provided below is a checklist for Home Page Customization:

  1. Your website homepage should radiate brand image and corporate colour schema (Have a personality)
  2. Connect your homepage with your visitors emotionally using Social media channels and realistic visuals
  3. Provide only most significant information about your brand in the homepage and avoid bias words
  4. See that all areas and menus of your website are easily accessible through the homepage
  5. Limit the number of choices the visitors can make and give proper guidelines like Tool tips and road map
  6. Define and integrate the most significant brand and commercial  keywords for your webpages
  7. Implement content marketing strategy and Integrate social media links and blog posts into your homepage
  8. Avoid heavy images , Javascript and sales pitch from your home page, Pay attention for Text contents
  9. Use Testimonial, recommended trust seals and Legal pages to make your site compliance with site architecture process
  10. Make sure install Google Analytics or piwik analytic for track your site visitors behavior and traffic sources

The homepage should be designed from the viewpoint of the consumer, to cater to his needs and requirements. If he has taken the initiative to come to your website, there is a reason driving his visit, and your homepage should be the fuel to determine his next course of actions.

#6 – Be Content – Centric 

The more fresh content you have, the better it is for your website. Google and other search engines love websites with fresh and useful content, as much as consumers. Thus, it is very important to have a content-centric action plan for your website.There is a wide assortment of mediums that can help you produce content for your website like:

  • eBooks
  • Press Releases
  • White Papers
  • Info-graphics and
  • Images, etc.

Here is a checklist of Content Marketing routes for your website:

  1. Blogging – It is by far the most successful content marketing strategy that can be employed by any business. Does your website have a blog?
  2. Press Releases – Post press releases as and when necessary for increased traffic
  3. Outsource Work – Define agencies or authors for your content marketing strategies and let the experts take control of the situation. They will keep your website updated regularly, beneficially.

The Blog is the most powerful tool for tapping your targeted audience. It serves as a way for consumers to interact with your business and drives them through the initial Inbound Marketing drill of your company.

#7 – Identify and Integrate Solid Call to Actions 

The entire idea behind optimizing and redesigning your webpage is to convert visitors into consumers. Any step from your website a visitor may take, that pushes him closer to being a consumer is known as conversion. Two things drive the conversion ratio of your online enterprise:

  • Calls-to-action
  • Landing Pages

CTA’s are those elements of your website, which induce visitors to take a series of actions. This can be anything from asking to download an eBook to requesting form submission.Every page of your website requires a Call-to-action, but it is vital to ensure the call is relevant to the content provided in the web-page.After clicking the CTA, visitors will be re-directed to a landing page. This page will host a simple form which the user might have to submit in order to get something in return (mostly the deal offered through the call-to-action).

Though this looks fairly simple, here are a few things that should be taken into consideration when designing a landing page:

  • Landing pages should not have website navigation (to avoid distracting customers)
  • The description of the offer should be clear and simple to the visitor
  • Social sharing buttons should be included for obvious reasons
  • The deal or offer should be beneficial to the visitor (Important)
  • Include the company logo
  • Make use of your most powerful keywords to get found on search engines

Landing pages are most powerful tools for generating leads. It’s highly likely that these are not in your present goals, but it is a good idea to inculcate them as soon as possible.

#8 – Use Semantic Markup and Make your Website Responsive 

Deciding to redesign your website and forgetting to make it optimized for better viewing on Tablets and Smartphone’s can be a mistake, you will never forget. Over 65% of today’s demographics use mobile or tablet platforms to surf the internet. If your website is not responsive, then you are far away from tapping into this traffic base- don’t make this wrong decision.

The most favored way of transitioning into mobile platforms is by making responsive websites. What these websites basically do is, adapt themselves according to the resolution of the screen of the device being used to access them.

Here is the quick checklist for developing a responsive website:

  • Determine the source of mobile traffic
  • Define the framework of your responsive theme
  • Design your website’s layout appearance for portrait (smartphones) and landscape (tablet) viewing.

Choosing to ignore the mobile market is not an option your business should consider. When the entire world is obsessed with their mobile devices, so should your business be.

#9 – Optimize for Search Engines – But don’t Do the Same Mistakes.

My company Prime One Global LLC describe SEO as ‘The Science of Synergy’ – Everything that we have talked about in this Extreme Checklist is somehow interrelated, and one is not possible without the other.All the above things that you have done so far will be in vain if your website cannot be found online. It is most important to be found online – make your website reachable. How can you aim to increase the leads, and convert sales if your website has no visitors?

Here is our checklist for Search Engine Optimization:

Use latent Semantic Keyword Indexing Strategy :  By now you have a fair idea of which pages in your current website obtain most rank in search engines – the pages with most traffic, number of inbound links, highest keyword rankings. Proper 301 re-direct pages need to be created to preserve the value of these pages. However, do not use old school  style Keyword stuffing or link building with your commercial keywords. use proper keyword strategy like Brand keyword 40%, Commercial keyword 25%. Generic & Long tail Keywords 35% for avoid keyword stuffing or content penalty issues.

Making a 301 Redirect Strategy: The most efficient way is to create a spreadsheet record of your old significant / important pages along with their old links. Then create a separate 301 redirect for each of them to avoid skipping out any links. But , do not link any link profile that totally irrelevant for your niche and don’t forget to use proper pagination and inbound link strategies. Focus on choosing 1-2 keywords for every page. Once you have finalized the keywords, it’s vital to use on-Page SEO tactics to further optimize your webpage.

#10 – Recap – Time to Take a Break / Note 

So we have come to the end of our extensive drill, and it is time to take a break. Sit back and observe – Has the entire process of website redesign been effective for you? For obvious reasons, it is essential to measure your ‘Returns-on-Investment’ for your redesign.Here is our last, but not the least checklist to measure ROI of website redesign:

Measure Visitors

  • Number of new visitors to the website?
  • What sources are they coming from?

Lead Generation

  • How many visitors converted into leads?
  • What instigated them to convert?

Sales Conversion

  • Number of leads converted into actual sales.
  • Number of Unique visitors per day,week,month

While conversion ratio of your website will be your primary concern, other metrics to consider will be the objectives that you set for yourself in the second step of the redesign. The detailed analysis of these measurements will help you understand the sectors which are working well for your website and the sectors which need improvements in your website.A website redesign does not offer immediate results.  It is a process that takes place over a span of time and requires small adjustments and tweaks to be made to your strategies every now and then to achieve the primary goals of your business. In order to reach these milestones, it is essential to constantly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your website and plan your next set of actions accordingly.

Final Verdict

There is more to website redesign than meets the eye. The initiative to invest time and money into such a venture involves more of doing your homework, before you design that beautiful and visually appealing website. The website needs to be result-oriented in such a manner that is affiliated with the best ethics of inbound marketing. Following this curve will not only insure that your website is ‘reachable’ but that you are able to convert and retain customers once they enter your domain – Literally!

Don’t treat your website like you would treat the attic in your house. A website is sophisticated, yet the most powerful marketing tool of your company. It should be integrated with all functions like Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Management, Online Reputation Management and Conversion Rate Optimization. Making these decisions will decide the future of your brand and help you turn your website into a flourishing inbound marketing platform.Make use of the opportunity while you have it. Follow this checklist to your success.

I hope you had a good time 🙂

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The Ultimate WordPress SEO Checklist of 2014

The Extreme WordPress SEO Checklist of 2014

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a plan of actions that can be used to improve the search engine ranking of a website. The key element of SEO is to increase organic traffic (target specific traffic from search engines) to your website / blog. WordPress is one of THE most authoritative content management systems your website can ever have when it comes to SEO. It is essential to spend considerable time on your WordPress SEO as choosing to ignore such a valuable tool may lead to negative rankings on the search engines.If you are choosing to optimize your website for the best user experience and increased traffic, it always helps to have a checklist or a strategy to follow in order to attain the most benefits out of your valuable time.

It is the reason i have created the Extreme Top 50 WordPress SEO Checklist of 2014. This checklist is beneficial for people who are starting a new website, or want to optimize a live website.This checklist follows a step-by-step list of things that need to be accomplished, in order to create the best infrastructure for your website.

[highlight background=”red” color=””]NOTE: It is worth mentioning before jumping into the nitty-gritty’s of website optimization that on-page SEO tasks yield diminishing returns. In simple terms, there will be lots of quick benefits from fixing the easy and obvious mistakes at the start. As you delve further into the checklist, situations may get a bit tough to tackle and more technical (as problems become less obvious).The benefits for the same are not very noteworthy in the short term.[/highlight]

Extreme WordPress SEO Checklist of 2014 

Before we start, it is important that you analyze your current website’s SEO rankings in order to understand the changes at the end of the checklist. Get a detailed report from Analyze about the present SEO rankings of your website and save it to a PDF for future reference. It will help you in measuring the results later on.I would suggest reading the whole thing and applying as much of this checklist to your website as you can. By following all the parts of this detailed checklist, you will not only understand the concept of the entire picture but will have a deeper understanding of how the web works. – SEO is the Science of Synergy


The front-end of your website (Content) and the back-end of your website (HTML) are easily the most accessible and controllable SEO elements. They serve as the best pivot for starting your SEO measures. The idea is to make all the pages in your website Search Engine and Human friendly by making use of all contents and tools, available at your disposal.

For SEO purposes, it is best to strategize one or two target keywords for every page in your website. If you are considering focusing every page with more than two keywords, it might be the right time to step back and understand that a page with so many keywords might just lose its focus. Plan and divide all your crucial keywords into separate pages to maintain Page POV. Ready? Let’s go! Start by optimizing the On-Page elements of your website through the checklist provided below.

1) Creating The Perfect Title Tag

The title of your website is most important for your ‘on-page’ SEO success. Always try to integrate a title that is appropriate for the search engines and looks user-friendly too. There has to be a balance between ‘just’ stuffing keywords into your title and making it rhyme for your visitors. You might have observed that whenever you search in Google for a particular keyword, websites with those keywords loaded at the front of their Title Tags always appear first. If you are using Yoast SEO, All in one SEO or any other SEO Plugin then you don’t need to worry about the word count. You will get great help from plugin tool tips and hint section.

For Example: Let’s assume you are looking to rank the keywords “good habits” and you are having problems deciding between the following Title Tags:

NOTE: It is clearly visible from the above screens that Google has opted to show those websites that have the keywords at the starting of their Title Tags . Spend considerable time in making Title Tags beautiful; these are easily the most important yet overlooked element of On-Page SEO.

2) Make the URL Search Engine and Human Friendly

URL’s play a significant role in defining the action of search engines for your website – both humans and search engines choose websites that have an easy to read/find URL. The URL’s of a website should be optimized in such a way that the ‘words’ mirror the content of specific pages of that website. URL’s should contain easy to understand words, keywords for individual pages and must never contain illegal characters like ‘underscores’ ‘percentage symbols,’ etc. Your page URL may not be long like this, but it is still important to fix the URL structure – to make it search engine friendly. You must be wondering how an URL will help the SEO of your page.

It’s simple, just like the Title Tags of your page; Google uses your ‘page URL’ to decipher what your page is all about. Thus, it is a good idea to include your important keywords for the page in the ‘page URL.’ Google will choose to trust those pages which have easier to read URL and the URL’s are keyword intensive.

TIP: Don’t forget to remove all unnecessary dates and categories from the URL structure to make it clean and easy to spot.




Multimedia is that part of your website which helps in retaining the attention of your visitors. Multimedia aids in giving a better explanation to your website content and websites with properly optimized images are loved by search engines as well as the visitors, who show their gratitude by sharing your content across social media platforms.

However, without proper optimization, multimedia can do more harm than good for your website.

Here is a checklist to certify that you are on the path to salvation, when it comes to using multimedia effectively for your SEO campaigns.

Multimedia also increases the superficial value of post or article. Content with higher superficial value has more chances of ranking on Google.

<put this is a box/>

Make it a point to include at least one multimedia element (video, audio, images and lists) in every post to increase its SEO value.



Sharing is caring. Google respects all websites who respect their page ranks as well as the page rank of other websites. The Internet is a socializing platform and Google wants to see you as a dynamic part of this platform.

Don’t be selfish. Always link to external sources (Outbound links). If you choose to ‘no follow’ outbound links from your website, Google will take it as a mere act of selfishness.


<put this in a box/>

Remember to include at least 2 outbound links to external websites (famous blogs or news portals) in every piece of content you broadcast.


It is possibly the most disregarded aspect when it comes to SEO for your website. It is noteworthy to mention that some websites choose completely to ignore the use of Meta Descriptions – You should not make this mistake.

Meta description can be defined as that phrase which tags along with your website link in the search engines. It is essential to fabricate a unique and keyword intensive Meta description for all the important pages of your website. Choosing to ignore so may lead to users completely ignoring your website link when it pops-up in the search engines.

<insert image here/>

<put this in a box/>

Creating a Meta description should be made a part of your post creation routines, so that you never overlook this seemingly insignificant and ‘easy to forget’ aspect of SEO.


Integrating Keywords (keyword research) can be done through in-depth keyword researching, analyzing and choosing the best keywords that will drive organic traffic from search engines to your webpage.

It is the most important aspect while doing SEO for your website and if not done correctly can result in all your efforts going down the drain. Use the Google Adword Keyword Tool to research and find out the best working keywords for your website, before inculcating them in your posts and titles.

NOTE: It is also important to include your main keywords at the beginning of your blog posts.

Why you ask? Because Google pays utmost attention to the placement of the keywords in your articles – If a keyword appears on the first few lines of an article, Google will understand that the article is relevant to that particular keyword as it is mentioned at the start.

<put this is a box/>

Always include the target keyword in the first few lines of the Article / Blog Post


The H1 Tag of your page is like the sub-heading of your page.

Normally all websites have one H1 Tag (Which should be user-friendly and search-engine-friendly), but some WP themes default to two tags and use H2 as the page header)

Check if your page has a proper H1 tag by looking at the page source and spotting the following code. If it is there, then your job is done, if it is not there, insert a H1 Tag into your page source.

Make sure all your pages have a H1 Tag

<insert image with H1 Tag in page source and how to insert if not there/>

<Put this in a box/>

The blog post title should always be in a H1 Tag.


You may not be aware of this, but Google pays very little attention to website speed as a ranking factor (about 1%). This may seem insignificant, but for humans, optimizing website for speed and performance is the main thing otherwise you will tend to lose valuable visitors.

The Users love websites that are responsive in nature and have a fast load time. Statistics shows that many users hit the ‘X’ button even when a website is loading, due to its slow loading time.


Providing a fast experience for users is mandatory to boost the conversions of your website along with a slight boost in SEO rankings.

You can easily evaluate the speed of your website by using the Google Website Speed Tool.

<insert image of Google Page Speed Insight Tool Here/>

<put this in a box/>

Remember to address all the issues of slow page load for the best user experience in your website. WordPress Plugins – W3 Total Cache Tool and WP Smush It can help you in delivering faster load speed.

<Insert images of W3 Total Cache Tool and WP Smush It Tool>




Sometimes people search for really long set of keywords. Owing to the unpredictable nature of these keywords and their varying lengths it is impossible to optimize your page according to these keywords.

What can be a possible fix to this situation?

Such long keywords can also be ranked by using Title Tag Modifiers to your website.

<put the below text in a box/>

Try putting words like “Best” “Guide” “Review” “2014” “Top” etc. as Title Tag Modifiers for your webpages.



If your article has useful content for the readers, they are bound to like and share them in the social networks. You can speed up this process by inculcating Social Sharing Buttons into your website.

Check whether your social sharing buttons are attractively displayed in your blog post. There are many free plugins out there to choose from.

<insert picture of blog post with social sharing buttons here/>

<put this below text in box/>

Ensure that the Social Sharing Buttons Appear at the Top and Bottom of your Blog Posts.





Our researches indicate that Google chooses to display those links in the first 10 search results which have 1500+ words of Content.

<insert image showing the word count from a random search on Google with word count for each/>

<put this in a box/>

Make it a point to write at least 1500+ words of your most competitive words that you are trying to rank in Google.



Google simply hates websites with high bounce rates. If people seem to be continuously bouncing from your website in search results, it will be a clear signal to Google that your website is not hosting quality content. Once your website gets flagged for inappropriate content or low-quality content, Google will push your website down the rank drain – trust us when we say this, it’s quite a hard way up from the rank drain and you should avoid this at all costs.

One of the best solutions to slashing the bounce rates of your website is by using Internal Links at the starting of your posts. Visitors are much more click-savvy when they come to your website, than they are half way through your article.


<Put this below text in a box/>

Wikipedia is one of the best examples of websites with Internal Links at the starting of their article.

<insert picture of Wikipedia with internal links/>

<Put this in a box/>

Insert as many Internal Links as you can at the starting of your article, without cashing on the overall quality of the article.








You may have observed that when you type a particular word into the search box in Google, a lot of optional words are displayed in a list by Google along with your target keyword. Those optional words are LSI Keywords.

<insert picture of Google search box with LSI keywords/>


For Examples if you are writing about “Good habits” then you would probably want to mention words like “for kinds, “bad” “healthy” “personal” etc.

<Insert picture of Searches related to Good habits from>

The above words in Italics are LSI keywords for your target Word.

<Put this below list in a box/>

Finding LSI Keywords for your target keywords is very easy:

  1. Search for your target keyword in
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the result page
  3. There is a list of highlighted words under “Searches related to your keyword”
  4. Those are the LSI keywords.

<Put this below text in a box/>

Make sure all your articles have at least 1-2 LSI Keywords.








Backlinks serve as a crucial factor in manipulating the search engine ranking of your website. Significant amount of time should be taken to build Backlinks for your website.

There are multiple factors that should be taken into consideration for making Backlinks:

  1. Quality: The position of your backlink and the authenticity of the content of the backlink play a significant role in portraying the quality of your backlink to search engines. Try to place your links in high authority websites with great Page Rank. Always optimize the Meta Tag Description for every back link to your website.
  2. Text: When you are making text backlinks, ensure that the text you link your website to is directly related to your services. If you add vague or unimportant words to your website, this will hurt the SEO of your website than help it.
  • Number: This is all but a number game – the more quality backlinks point to your website, the higher are its chances to rank in search engines. Make an excel sheet with all the present backlinks to your website and spend time in scrutinizing each of them for best results. Use all that you have learnt about content development to create the best backlinks.


Remember, 1 Quality backlink is better than 10 Low Quality backlinks.

<put this in a box/>

Create new backlinks from time to time for higher visibility of your website in search engines.

Use our Extreme Guide to Creating Backlinks to in-depth knowledge of link creation.





Your website should be connected to all your social media accounts. If it is used in combination with your Authorship and Geo Tags – Google will understand that the website is run by a human and not a Bot – this adds ranking to your website.

Some factors that are highly regarded when it comes to trust monitoring are:

  1. Authority: The best way to establish an authority online is to connect your website with your Social Media Accounts, Add HTML GEO tags and Author Tags. Make best use of all SEO techniques learnt to create quality content and get links from others. Post frequently on your website.
  1. History: Websites that have a domain registered for 3+ years are highly regarded by Google as trusted websites. Always pay for the .com registration of your website well in advance to add some weight to your webpage.
  • Identity: Try to link your identity with as many places as you can online. This has a positive effect on the overall weight of your website.

<put this in a box/>

Make sure your website is linked to all your social media accounts, Add HTML GEO tag and Author Tags to your website.



There are no black hat tricks to online fame. If you have ever indulged into such activities that are listed below, it is advisable to undo all that you can to dodge the penalty if your website has not been flagged by Google already.

  1. Back Link Abuse: Remove all paid backlinks to your website, if any. Backlinks can only be earned over time. There are no shortcuts here.
  2. Spam: Never ever ever ever (and if there is any ever after ever) hire a blog spammer to spam your links into various websites. Doing so does not help your websites reputation in any way. Always use the power of content to win love of your readers and deliver only those things / services to the people that they can vouch on and share with others.
  • Piracy: Don’t ever add unauthentic or unauthorized content to your website. They could be in the form of video, music, photos, text or anything else. Posting cool freebies is definitely a good idea, but always give credit to the source for your share and check if your share is not against the policies of the source.

<put this below text in a box/>

Ensure that your website is not linked to any illegal activity or content.





















A sitemap is that page of your website which categorizes and stores all the pages of your website in a list format. Your website should also have a HTML Sitemap which links to every page. It should be there in every page, normally in the footer. You should also create an XML sitemap for search engines.

<Insert image of a HTML sitemap here>


JavaScript / Flash Navigation should be disabled in a website so that the website is easily crawlable by search engine spiders. Ensure that you have text navigation links at the bottom of every page if there are no navigation links at the top of the page.

<insert image of how to disable JavaScript/Flash Navigation/>


This file should always be there; even if it has to be left empty it should be there. It is a file created by webmasters to tell search engine robots how to index the pages of your website.

<insert image of a sample robots.txt file/>


If your website is such that the content on your homepage constantly keeps changing, it is a good idea to have a set of Static Content on the page to not confuse the search engines.

<insert image of a news website with static page index/>


Make sure the website with and without the www in the address bar reaches the same position.

<insert image to show how this is done/>


In case you are migrating from an old website to a new one, it is necessary to setup all the mandatory 301 re-directs so as to not lose the valuable traffic from the old website.

<Insert image showing how to setup 301 re-direct/>


Setup an account with Google Analytics if you haven’t done already. It will give you crucial information on all the SEO related statistics of your website.

<Insert image of Google Analytics>


The XML Sitemap needs to be submitted in the Google Webmasters Tools. Create an account if you don’t have one already.

<Insert image of where the XML Sitemap has to be submitted/>

  1. 404-ERROR PAGE

The 404-Error Page, also known as the ‘Page not found’ is displayed whenever a person asks for a page linked to your website, which is not available. There can be many explanations for such errors but, mostly they happen due to careless linking or dead pages which have been removed from your website but the backlinks have remained.

Creating a custom 404-Error Page for your website is a great idea, so that visitors are not greeted with the boring and customary 404-error pages which look very dispelling and unattractive.

<put below text in box/>

Make a custom 404 Error Page for your website if you don’t have already.


Declare the language of your website and try to get it converted into as many languages as possible to increase the reach of your website.

Ensure that your website has the latest version of WordPress installed for best experience.


Though it may look insignificant, but claiming your Vanity URL on major networks is vital, not only for the future SEO of your website, but also to monitor its online reputation. It ensures that no one else can take your brand name on other network accounts. Websites with the most numbers of networking presence have higher chances of dominating the search results in search engines

Claim your vanity URL for all the networking websites listed below.

A typical example of your Vanity URL would be:

<put the below list in an image for better looks/>

List of obtainable Vanity URLs are as follows:

  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
  • hxxp://
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  • hxxp://

Ensure that your website theme is responsive so that it can be accessed via smartphones and tablets as well. Choose a responsive theme for your website, if you have not done it already.

<insert image of responsive website here/>




Not only does powerful SEO depend on the implementation of changes but also on the measure of the impact, and those changes have on your website over a period. Seeing and experimenting with keywords, tracking their statistics to understand what is best suited for your website’s needs – these don’t come in one day. It requires years of practice and an in-depth understanding of the SEO landscape.

However, we have reached the conclusion of our ‘Extreme WordPress SEO Checklist of 2014,’ and we can safely say that you have been able to do most of these things, if not all from our Extreme Checklist.

At the beginning of the checklist, we had asked you to create an Analysis of your website’s SEO ranking. Now, it is time to equate it with the ranking of your website after you have implemented these changes. Again visit Analyze to generate the present SEO report of your website and compare it with the previous report. The results will speak for themselves.

I hope you enjoyed the read.


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How To Optimize Your eCommerce Sales Conversion Like An Expert

There are lots of questions, expert advice, and tips about Digital marketing strategies and eCommerce sales conversion optimization techniques. However, most of the tips from the writer are assumptions and ideas, not from their own experience. As a practical Digital marketing consultant, I hear the same questions from my clients and friends. Therefore, I’m going to write a few simple, easy-to-implement tips about eCommerce SEO and how to implement this to your website.

In today’s day and age, we have become dependent on modern communication gadgets & online activities. Consequently, the number of purchases from online stores is rising with each year. According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), in 2013, 72% of adults bought goods or services online in 2013

Unlike business websites, eCommerce websites have their own set of distinctive challenges and opportunities. Companies need to take advantage of every opportunity to effectively meet these challenges. This assures a positive impact on your traffic and revenue rate. To have a gorgeous well designed and attractive website could be one part of productive sales; but are you certain that having one will increase output? If you wish to get recognized by top search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to attract shoppers to your site, SEO is the answer. In order to improve search engine rankings, you need to ensure the website is search engine friendly.

Maximize your eCommerce Sales Conversion

SEO is an acronym for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is someone who understands how search engines work and optimizes web pages to rank highly within the search results. SEO directly plays a significant role in defining how much traffic an eCommerce store makes. Most of the online shopping sites struggle with implementing the correct SEO strategies and action plans to boost their sales conversion, and many eCommerce portals use the automated product and inventory systems that have the advantage of handling instant product page creation and sales automation through third-party applications.

e commerce statistics by country

However, unlike the conventional techniques that marketers use to handle web promotions (blogs, forums, etc.), for websites, optimizing online web stores is quite different. The significance of eCommerce SEO under a business plan is obvious, but on the other hand, formulating the perfect digital marketing strategies for an eCommerce website is a challenging task for business owners. Here I’m going to share the best eCommerce sales conversion optimization tips that will help you to fully optimize your online site.

#1. Turn on Search Engine friendly URL’s

The core of every positive and effectively augmented eCommerce website is a well-versed and planned architecture. Organizing the site to make it user-friendly is truly significant. Search engines give better results when they search your website. If you have a site with many categories of products, they need to be indexed properly. Users will have an improved experience and can find what they are looking for. In search results, this helps boost a site’s visibility.

URLs make a lot of sense when they are easy to understand by humans “human-readable” and are easily understood by search engines “search engine friendly (SEF)” or pretty URL’s. Likewise, they are just as important as the description for search engine ranking and optimization and page title. URLs have a direct impact on how you rank for keywords. One of these SEO techniques is to make sure the specific keyword of interest appears in your URL. However, experts believe that having keywords in the URL is a vital share of the equation.

Best URL Rewriting Practice:

  1. Consider using the product name, a category in your product page URLs
  2. Avoid using too many stop words  and unnecessary special characters in your product title
  3. Avoid using many .htaccess or page redirection conflict
  4. Implement 301 Domain Redirection and Page, IP Canonicalization for avoiding duplicate  content issues
  5. If you use Tracking parameters or session IDs, simply tell search engines to ignore this via the Google webmaster tool


#2. Ultimate Keyword Research Tips

Keywords are the search words and phrases that people use in their online searches. Finding the right keyword,s or you can call it the “Money Keywords”, can trigger sales. Keyword research is one of the most valuable, important, and high return activities in the eCommerce search engine optimization strategies. Using wrong or ineffective keywords can lower your site’s effectiveness drastically. For accurate research, keywords and information, you need to put in your time, using a series of relevant keywords related to the services and products is of vivacious importance. In case the keywords chosen are too common, the search results will simply not show up. And this is one of the reasons for hitting back and lower buying attributes. If your product list is the same as available on your competitor’s sites then you need to come up with quality keywords. Long-tail keyword phrases consist of three to five words that users use for explicit searches. This attracts more quality traffic, leading to more conversions.

Best keyword research & implementation strategies for eCommerce websites :

  • Identify your target market and segmented audience interest via Google keyword planner or Google Trend
  • Enable keyword suggestion, Ad group and traffic estimation fields to identify users monthly search volume
  • Categorize high, low and average competitive keywords based on your business and product niche
  • Create a list of long tail keywords, commercial keywords , generic keywords that related to your brand keywords
  • Integrate keywords within your meta tags, web contents, images, and Hyperlinks, and balance your minimum keyword density
  • Avoid an over-optimization issue by using a series of main commercial keywords in multiple outbound link profiles
  • Generate multiple “relevant”  keywords from Google related search for your off-page link acquisition purpose
  • Use long-tail keywords for image name, Alt tags, and Hyperlink title to maintain better keyword proximity


 #3. Craft Perfect Title for your Page

The most important SEO component on paper is the “Page Title” Tag. In order to grab online visitors’ attention and better search engine visibility, use well-planned intriguing, search engine-friendly page titles. Carefully crafted page titles always improve search engine visibility and user interaction. However, there is a standard for writing, high converting search engine friendly title tags are essential for specific product pages and static web pages.

Perfect Title tag :

  • Replicating same page titles on your website is not a good idea, you need to write a unique title for each product page manually
  • Keep the length no longer than 55 – 69 characters and also avoid stop words, as well as unnecessary special characters
  • Brand keyword  and commercial keywords must be perfectly blended within the title tag to generate SEF title and vanity URL
  • For separators, avoid underscores and instead use spaces, dashes, commas, or pipe for better search engine benefit
  • Always start with brand name, product name +  product title to maintain recommended Semantic pagination structure


#4. Use actual Product Descriptions 

Online stores are often crowded with inventory and low on product descriptions. Writing quality and actual descriptions encourage more site traffic and provide better chances of selling. For e-commerce sites, each and every product is an opportunity to add useful content. Competitive advantages, consumer reviews, and feedback are the fruits obtained from accurately describing products, but it is essential to avoid keyword stuffing. Users’ preference and trust in your site against competitors is of vital importance. Adding SEO content and keywords for effective product descriptions are modern-day practices. It allows customers to comment on the usability of your product and thus maintains a healthy customer relationship.

How to write an Effective product description:

  • Write compelling meta description blend with your main keyword and brand keyword
  • Limit your meta description characters to no more than 155 characters and no less than 120 characters
  • Avoid capital words, special characters, and stop words from your meta descriptions
  • Try to write multiple variations and split test your title impressions, CTA using Kissmetrics or Google analytic’s
  • Do not use the same meta descriptions for other pages and make sure all product pages have unique meta descriptions


#5.  Craft compelling, Informative Copy

Without any doubt, we are all aware that copywriting is one of the undeniably most important tasks when you talk about online business. In addition, the content needs to be distinctive to obtain better search engine rankings and convert readers as potential buyers. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to writing very informative, persuasive web content and sales copy for your eCommerce website. It is really important NOT to use the standard manufacturing product or service descriptions. Of course, copying a manufacturer’s product descriptions from other websites might save you time, but in the long run, it only generates a haphazard and the search engine will penalize your page and domain for duplicate content issues.  Avoid putting your lovely business in trouble by having a descriptive and compelling sales copy or web content for your eCommerce website and product pages, because “Content is the King”.

Simple copywriting Techniques:

  • Perform in-depth research about your industry growth, product demands and identify trending product names
  • Write a keyword-rich ( use long-tail keywords ) Call-to-action based magnetic headlines and subheadings
  • Avoid self-promotion and biased words rather than writing users benefits and quality of your product and services
  • Follow the content writing standards and craft your content exclusively for your specific product/service page
  • Use the latent Semantic indexing copywriting method to manage your website resource and reference pages
  • Use secondary keywords, and commercial keywords in your subheadings to rank your page well in search engines
  • Add your client’s testimonials, case studies, and review links for proof to the reader about your value proposition
  • Balance your commercial keywords or main keywords density and ensure it is less than 40% from your page and codes


#6.  Optimize Your landing page Visuals

Optimization of an image is a skill that you wish to learn. Image optimization is an imperative part of structuring a fruitful eCommerce business. 98% of eCommerce businesses always trying to display their products and services using visual explanations and video commercials. This is because people don’t have time to read an entire sales pitch and your full company history, and it’s natural for buyers to look for the best value for their investment. Therefore, you need to pay attention to optimizing your landing pages visuals such as images, videos and site architecture to deliver a better user experience to your visitors and of course to the search engines. The “Alt Tag” attributes to adding better SEO results to your online store. It achieves better rankings in search engines by correlating keywords with images. In actuality, an Alt Tag is the ideal technique to sell and popularize your eCommerce products. However, there are some advanced tweaks available for eCommerce sites.

E-commerce Landing page visual Tips: 

  • Always use less weight compressed images using any online image compressor or Photoshop save for web device option
  • Use a search engine friendly image name, Longtail ALT tag, better product description for image  and video caption
  • Use CDN (Content Delivery Network ) or Jquery Lazy load features to make your landing page codes and  images load faster
  • Create better resolution visuals and provide dimension, Angles, and right position to make your visuals are appear in the right place
  • Know your right image types such as JPG, PNG, GIF and learn how to intelligently handle thumbnail images and videos
  • Don’t forget to use image  and video sitemap to index your visuals via search engines to generate organic traffic
  • Use OpenGraph, Twitter hCard, Google schema markup for displaying your visuals perfectly on Search engines and social media


#7. Hunt and Fix Broken Links, Error pages

Broken Links, pages, images and 404’s hurt SEO and affect search engines rankings. Having useless hyperlinks on sites is not just irritating; in fact, their existence may root some real impairment to your online business as well as to your reputation on the Internet. Users prefer to reach the product in the minimum quantity of clicks. Thus, it is really important to analyze and fix your eCommerce site’s Broken links, Coding errors, and browser compatibility issues to make your site compliant with search engine guidelines, as well as to provide a better user experience to your site visitors and customers. These tools can easily give a breakdown of any broken links that you might have.

Best Tools ever :

  1. Broken link Checker
  2. W3C Markup Validator 
  3. CSS Validator
  4. Google Webmaster Tool
  5. Browser Compatibility Test


#8. Use Google Rich schema markup

User-generated content (UGC) is regularly ignored by eCommerce site owners. If organized suitably, it can have encouraging results for SEO. Statistically speaking there are many convincing factors to consider when adding User reviews on your web store. The latest and most powerful form of development in SEO is Schema Markup. The search engine result pages (SERPs) can enhance the website after active use of Schema markup. It is recorded to have a third of rich snippets and extra bits of information in Google search results.

Advantages & Statistics:

  • A dramatic 4.6% increase in sales is said to take place if 50 or more reviews per product are achieved
  • Sites with user reviews can attract 63% more customers to shop online
  • There is a 105% probability of potential buyers purchasing who intermingle with reviews and online QA sessions
  • These visitors spend 11% more than those users who do not interact with reviews
  • User reviews are 12 times more trusted than the actual product descriptions marked by manufacturers
  • An average of 18% uplift in sales can be gained by the single factor of “reviews”



I’m a big fan of digital marketing and eCommerce optimization strategies! There is no doubt there are hundreds of ways to growth hack your eCommerce business website sales conversion online. However, I wrote these tips based on my experience rather than writing an idea. 🙂  Now, it’s your turn! What is the best eCommerce SEO strategy that you have implemented on your eCommerce website? Let me know your tricks in the comment box below.

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