Welfare communities around the globe are taking the required measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Amid these times of uncertainty, corporate companies from all shapes and sizes are also struggling to keep themselves stable. Even the industry experts suggest that “Companies and organizations need to impose a logical and methodological approach to strengthen the resilience of their existing business models and strategies to ensure their ongoing business operations during COVID-19.” Therefore, corporate companies are going to become more dependent than ever on their digital strategy and now they are looking for an offshore digital marketing agency to polish and restructure their digital strategy.Keeping the present situation in mind, today, in this post, I’m gonna discuss how an offshore digital marketing agency can help a corporate business to survive from COVID-19 pandemic issues. Keep on reading to discover more!
Present Situation of Corporate Companies
The unprecedented situation, the almost-complete vanishing of all networks related to live events and conferences, and the rising barriers on face-to-face business, create an immense challenge for businesses. B2B companies that rely on the yearly course of exhibitions and trade shows to network and build connections with their customers are now struggling to find a way to connect with their audience. For SME businesses especially those who used to generate new customers for their businesses through word-of-mouth referrals or on the strength of their business’s hard-won reputation among their target market, the current pandemic situation is coming as a huge shock to them. Larger corporate companies are also now seeing themselves in the situation of having potentially lost millions out of cancelled events and conferences. They won’t get back the several hours and expense spent on preparations for this year.In this current scenario, digital is likely to be the clear winner, and most companies are turning to digital channels to embrace the transformative situation. We’ve seen a real spike during the last few weeks from companies wanting to create or update their business websites, launch new eCommerce channels for their businesses and build social media campaigns that focused on people who are working from home and a real focus on using influencers in the industry and SEO approaches to reach new audiences for their business.
Most of the large corporate companies may have their own in-house digital marketing team who can deliver these results. But, to mitigate the present economic crisis most of the corporate companies are doing cost-cutting. So, during this challenging time keeping an in-house digital marketing team can increase the expenses in terms of salary negotiations, benefits, infrastructure like computers, digital devices, desks, building access, maintenance bills, taxes, etc. On the other hand, outsourcing is pretty gosh-darn easy because most of the offshore digital marketing agencies work on annual or monthly contracts for which businesses don’t have to do any tech setup, infrastructure, insurance or any other arrangements that can incredibly help the corporate companies to reduce their expenses and at the same time, they can easily acquire experienced and talented professionals who can produce better and faster results for their digital marketing efforts.
So, now corporate companies see value in partnering with an offshore digital marketing agency that knows how to help them make the most from social marketing, content marketing, SEO and influencer-led campaigns to achieve better products values and more reach to their targeted audiences.
Importance of Offshore Digital Marketing Agency Services During COVID-19
You may have this question in your mind like “why you should outsource your marketing?” So here are some of the points that explain to you the importance of digital marketing projects outsourcing during the COVID-19 pandemic times;
- As I discussed above most of the companies are experiencing an extreme quantity of loss due to cancelled conferences and events. Considering the amount of money spent on organizing these conferences, round the year planning, and hours spent, it is a massive loss indeed for these companies.
- To navigate through these challenging times, choosing the right digital marketing agency for your digital marketing needs is the best thing to do now, and many companies around the world are making themselves adapt to these new normal.
- The businesses that did not give much importance to having social media channels like Facebook or Instagram page are now choosing to create social marketing, content marketing and SEO marketing strategies for their businesses.
While some of you might feel that once the lockdown situation ends, everything will be back to normal again, but the experts have a different opinion from you. They say “the businesses’ reliance on digital marketing and networking is here to stay, and people would still choose digital channels or platforms for business meetings instead of holding on an in-person meeting, therefore, you must ensure a digital change for a longer time.
10 Benefits of Outsourcing Digital Marketing
While navigating through the business challenges during COVID-19, it could become intimidating if you try to do your brand’s digital marketing on your own or operate it in-house without the right professional team in place. Your competitors also doing everything to maintain their sustainability and to drive growth for their businesses with digital marketing. Therefore, to stay competitive, you should outsource partially or completely to a digital marketing agency.
If you’re still in a dilemma, Have a look at these 10 benefits of outsourcing digital marketing. Sure, it will help you to make the right decision.
1. You’ll Get More Time for Your Core Business
Outsourcing digital marketing works to an offshore digital marketing agency save you much time and energy to focus on your core business. Apparently, we are in the era of outsourcing. More and more businesses and organizations around the world are opting for outsourcing for their non-core business activities to third parties. Pay-roll preparation, products packaging, shipping of the products, manufacturing of sub-assemblies, transportation, hiring and of course digital marketing and online promotions for the businesses are some examples of outsourcing. The focus on outsourcing comes from an increasing understanding that it is not feasible to be competitive in non-core business activities.Therefore, it becomes sensible to hand over such non-core business activities to the third parties. While the industry experts are engaged in executing the best marketing and promotional strategies for your business, you get enough time in your hand to focus on other important parts of your business.
2. You can Beat Your Online Competition
Most probably, your top competitors out there in the market also realize the importance of digital marketing during this COVID-19 crisis and have been successfully investing in digital marketing to grow their business. In this challenging period, you cannot afford the time it takes to establish an in-house digital marketing team comprising professional researcher, analyst, strategist, SEO expert, social media campaign experts, online marketing campaigns experts and content writer.Therefore, businesses in all shapes and sizes should find an offshore digital marketing agency that takes up the job of crafting a right digital strategy for the business and implement it in a way that gives your business an instant advantage over its top competitors.
3. It’s More Affordable than You Think
Usually offshore digital marketing agency offers various digital marketing services packages at different prices for new small businesses, growing startups and big corporate companies. Different type of digital marketing services is put under the same package, so, there’s no need for the corporate companies to pay individual people for their respective offshore marketing services.One-time payment can do the trick for you; hence, you don’t have to go through the troublesome process of transferring money to a bunch of different bank accounts. The accrued fee of individual services is always larger compared to the digital marketing service packages offered by digital marketing agencies.
4. You’ll have a Structure for Your Digital Marketing Strategy
Offshore digital marketing agency provides you with a balanced structure. Usually, an offshore digital marketing team consist of 2, 5 or 10 staffs based on the project’s requirements with the diverse professionals involve of strategists, analysts, designers, art directors, web designers, copywriters, content writers, etc.So, there is an equal allocation of work between the employees who do the work assigned to them within a set deadline. The importance of an existing structure is that it helps your business in deriving good results within a restricted period of time.
5. You’ll Get Innovative Marketing Ideas
The members present in a digital marketing agency continuously brainstorm new innovative ideas that would boost the digital marketing results and enhance your company’s image in the market.Most of the associates in the team are well acquainted with and experienced in their chosen digital field, so their minds are always overflowing with fresh ideas that would bring innovation, creativity and new strategies into the picture.
6. You can Easily Reach Your Target Audience
The target audience in marketing refers to the group of people for whom you want to deliver your message, service or product. The core motive of marketing is to deliver a particular message to certain people present in your target society, which in return would rise your business sales.An offshore digital marketing agency goes through a phase of comprehensive and systematic research in order to decide when, where and how the message will be brought to the target audience, which would create the greatest impact on your marketing efforts and ensure you the great results.
7. They’ll Provide Your Better Insights & Reports
An offshore digital marketing agency by virtue of the business they are in, So, they keep themselves well-informed of the latest technology, trends, updates and case studies in the digital marketing industry. They have the good experience of working with multiple clients from an extensive range of industries with diverse visions and goals and are skillful at tailoring the best customized digital strategy for your business needs.They are stocked with better insights about digital marketing and digital platforms to know what combinations of digital channels best suit for your business’s marketing will needs. They will also be prepared for upcoming possible risks with mitigation plans in their hands.
8. They Use the Latest Technology in the Market
A good offshore digital marketing agency has knowledge and access to special tools and software in the market which gives them the assistance to do fast and accurate research, analysis and strategy which benefits less repetitive activities, quicker implementation of strategy, optimal ROI and faster accomplishment of your business goals.
9. They Help You to Create a Presence in Various Social Media Platforms
The advent of social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and many more is the reason why the fame of the internet and online marketing has dramatically risen over the years. In the present time, not being a part of these social media channels is equal to living in a cave.Digital marketing agencies very well know the tricks and hacks to give your businesses and brands, a voice among the traffic on the internet. They easily do that with the help of catchy blog posts, attractive infographics, images, gifs and videos. Generally, offshore digital marketing agency does their best to grasp the target audience’s attention and interest towards your business.
10. Efficiently Implemented SEO for Your Business
SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. The main search engines on the internet like Google, Yahoo and Bing deliver results according to the keywords typed in the search box.SEO mainly combines keywords into the content which goes well with the search engines’ search algorithm, so, the company which has been optimized well with SEO comes at the top in the SERP results section and into the good attention of the business’s current or prospective customers.
The present the unprecedented situation we are facing is definitely one of those crucial moments which can “force” a dramatic change upon our business, but for the better, think about how you will restore the opportunities that have been lost amid this COVID-19 pandemic issues. As long as you strategically alter your business approach to digital marketing, there’s no excuse why it should just serve up as an emergency fill-in but could keep on offering long-term value and benefits to your business when the world eventually gets back to its normal self. And of course, it would make companies more robust and flexible to deal with any future pandemics like the current one.
To make the most of digital marketing opportunities and grow your business during the COVID-19 pandemic, outsourcing to a digital marketing agency seems like a good idea. If you’re planning to opt for outsourcing digital marketing, here you can find out the different types of offshore marketing services packages for your business digital marketing needs.