Want to use Instagram to market your business? In the following post, I’m going to share the nine strategic ways to drive free traffic to your website with Instagram, stay tuned to discover how to drive Instagram traffic to your website.
Instagram is packed with lots of useful tools and features to grow your business and brand!
Even if you don’t have 100K followers, there are still lots of tactics to use your Instagram that can be your fast-pass ticket to more clicks and conversions.
Let’s get started with the nine easy-to-implement strategies!
How to Drive Instagram Traffic to Your Website?
1. Leverage Your Instagram Bio Link
Instagram allows you to include one clickable link in your Instagram bio, So, when you set up your Instagram profile, you most likely added your website (homepage) link in the bio, right? However, you can do so much more with this little bio link.
You can frequently update your Instagram bio link to point to any webpage of your website. It can be:
- A newly launched product page
- A featured story
- A new campaign page
- A lead converting webpage
You can draw attention to the bio link by adding strategic call-to-actions in your Instagram post captions that explain the of the link, your CTA can be:
- Read the complete story at the link in our bio
- For more insights, navigate through the link in our bio
- Click on the link in our bio to learn more information about
To get better results for your “Link in bio” strategy, you need to be consistent and by adding call-to-action in your bio you can speed up your process. Link in bio is a significant way to drive more Instagram traffic to your website.
2. Use Instagram Shops to Tag Products
With the Instagram Shops feature, you can turn your Instagram into an Online storefront by tagging your products and creating shoppable posts on Instagram.
While tagging your products you can consider the following elements:
- You can use nearly 5 tags in your Instagram posts or videos
- Make carousel posts with up to 20 images that can be a lookbook album for your brand.
- You can able to use one product sticker in your Instagram stories
In your Instagram profile, you can see a shopping tab where you can check out your tagged product range.
These product tagging features attract your audience’s attention and let them to click-through to the product on your website. Also, this one of the best organic ways to promote shopping on Instagram and drive Instagram traffic to your website.
While using the Instagram Shops Feature, make sure to:
Follow Instagram’s eligibility criteria.
Connect with Facebook catalog
Sign up in the Instagram mobile app with your business profile.
3. Add Links to Your IGTV Posts
Did you know that you can add clickable links to your IGTV post descriptions?
This simple hack is one of the great ways to drive your IGTV viewers to your business website, or other relevant links. The best approach to get more views on your IGTV posts and clicks on those links in your IGTV posts your description is to add a call-to-action and a swipe up the link from your Instagram Stories. You can also add a call-to-action on your IGTV title to attract clicks for your links in the description.
Once you’ve created your IGTV video post, you can add a link to your IGTV channel and videos to your Instagram Stories to get your viewers’ attention. We all know videos are effective ways to engage with your audience, so, driving your viewers to your IGTV channel is a great tactic to get Instagram traffic to your website.
4. Include Links to Instagram Stories
If you have 10K followers or a verified account. You can add direct links to your Instagram Stories! Trust me this feature is an instant game-changer and there are several ways to make it valuable for your brand.
First of all, it’s always worth to provide a quick explanation for why someone should “swipe up” and click on the link, you can do it verbally or through a text caption on your Instagram Stories. It’s a good way to drive more clicks. Also, you can add eye-catching GIF images that encourage more “swipe up” from your Instagram Stories Viewers. Besides, by using “swipe up” call-to-action stickers you can make it more attractive for your viewers which helps you to boost the number of clicks from them and increase the Instagram traffic to your website.
5. Curate Traffic Via Instagram Stories Highlights
You can use Instagram Stories Highlights to consistently drive traffic from your linked Instagram Stories past 24 hours. This Instagram feature lets you group your Instagram Stories and forever feature them on your Instagram profile.
But, don’t add every story in a highlight, tactically curate a library of evergreen Instagram Stories that you want to put in the limelight in front of your Instagram audience or you can keep it simple by using a single story per highlight as navigation to the key pages of your website.
6. Leverage Instagram Direct Messages
Encourage your Instagram followers to start up a conversion with you through Instagram direct messages (DMs). Not only your followers, but you can also start the conversation by welcoming new followers and asking relevant questions. For this purpose, you can create a formatted text and insert it into a direct message of every new joiner, this way you can avoid typing the same thing over and over to different people. Besides, make sure to monitor your inbox daily.
With Direct messages, you’ll get a deeper understanding of your audience, and you will be able to link them to relevant pages of your website.
7. Allow Push Notifications on Instagram
The best way to increase the reach of all these above link methods is to encourage your followers to turn on Instagram push notifications for your Instagram posts, IGTV posts, and Instagram Stories. For this, your Instagram audience must click on the “following button”, then need to enable the push notifications, and opt-in. After, completing these processes they will receive notifications on their phone every time you post new content on your Instagram profile. That’s why getting a small section of opt-in from your audience will certainly spike your Instagram KPIs.
So how do you get that opt-in from your Insta audience?
You could run a campaign on Instagram or you can simply ask your audience to do so. Trust me, you’d be surprised how many people respond to your direct request, and respect your audience for that.
8. Get Connected with Instagram Influencers
In case, if you don’t have a large Instagram presence, have very few views on your Instagram posts, and can’t able to Link on Instagram Stories, you can partner with an Instagram Influencer who has the reach on Instagram. The influencer can be your brand ambassador and bring in more reach and traffic. This approach will amplify your brand awareness on Instagram.
While choosing your Instagram Influencer, consider how their Instagram audience aligns with yours and how they’ll receive the endorsement of your brand. When you’re working out your partnership agreement with your influencer, ensure you include the guidelines to the influencer to use actionable call-to-action to send their followers to your website.
9. Add Instagram Profile Action Buttons
It’s worth to determine why you want to drive traffic. Is it for people to contact you? Book an appointment? Or buy your products?
All these above-mentioned actions and more can be taken directly on your Instagram profile with profile action buttons. With this feature, you could directly drive more traffic and conversions without any mediators. By using the right Profile Action Buttons and strategy, you can grow your brand through Instagram.
Now, Instagram becomes a revenue-based social media channel. So, you can use your Instagram followers’ data to build your content strategies, drive revenue, and brand awareness from sharing clickable links. In nutshell, just ensure your Instagram strategy is driving leads to your website.
I hope you found these strategies are helpful for bringing Instagram traffic to your website. Have you tried any of the above strategies? Let me know how it impacted your website traffic in the comments below.